At my Animal Sanctuary, I have receive 2 Vietnamese Pot Belly Pigs, a really cute pair. Male about 18lbs and female about 40lbs. Both Potty trained. Retail Value I have been told 400 each. Do you have an interest? Make an offer & it will be considered a donation. We are not set up for them but could not bare to see them KIlled.
Its a good cuase
Originally Posted by rex-man
Back east my family had a home rescue / exotic bird farm. We have had more than one Pot Belly while growing up there. They make great indoor or outdoor pets but usually need to be raised from youth to ensure good habits. They can be pretty stubborn or farel when they become adults if they have been mistreated or abused. The male seems young from his weight, or maybe a tea cup breed. These pets can become quite a handful if you are not prepared or informed on how to raise them. $400 is a decent ballpark figure for a piglet, anything older than 6 months the price starts to move down. There are 2 pig rescues near here, one in Kyle TX and another in London, TX if you can't find a home for them.