Town of West, Texas. Donations.

LexusLover's Avatar
Gallery Furniture in the Houston area, again, is helping those in need ....

..... from the plant blast.

Hopefully private interprises will step up to the plate elsewhere.

We're donating directly .... no Red Cross for us.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-19-2013, 01:19 PM
kudos ..

a very unfortunate situation.
LexusLover's Avatar
kudos ..

a very unfortunate situation. Originally Posted by CJ7
The only fortunate thing is that it wasn't during school hours.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-19-2013, 03:51 PM
in a town that small the entire city is a school zone, but yes, I agree
LexusLover's Avatar
in a town that small the entire city is a school zone, but yes, I agree Originally Posted by CJ7
Did you see where the middle school was located?

I loaded up with boxes ... if we haven't worn or used something in a year ...

.. it's going.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-19-2013, 03:56 PM
not exactly, but if it was close to the apt complex and the nursing home, saying its fortunate school was out is an understatement. My heart goes out to the entire community.
LexusLover's Avatar
not exactly, .... . Originally Posted by CJ7
across the street ... well ... a down about 1/2 block.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why would you do that? Isn't that what we have government for?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
A great and compassionate American.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hey, we've had liberals in here state that private charities hurt government. You didn't catch the sarcasm, Assup. But that is to be expected from a Dipshit of the Year.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I didn't catch the class in your statement either.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
On a serious note, what LL is doing is very commendable. It's how Americans are supposed to act when other Americans suffer a tragedy.

Kudos, LL!

LexusLover's Avatar
On a serious note, what LL is doing is very commendable. It's how Americans are supposed to act when other Americans suffer a tragedy. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It's not me, we are just kicking in. We helped with Katrina .. just like a lot of others did here in Houston. We worked at George Brown center. I know BigTex pitched in also and I'm sure many others on this board helped out. If not, shame on them.

It's what "Mac" (Gallery Furniture in Houston) does all the time ... uses his facilities and trucks to collect and disburse assistance. If it weren't for folks like Mac we wouldn't know where to take or send the stuff so that those who really need it would get it.

I posted this thread so folks in the Houston area would know specifically and folks around the country (or Texas) might think of working a collection center and transportation in their communities. Even if for the next time.

BTW: Talking about helping. There are a lot of women/children shelters that take clothes and household items to help displaced families get started again and get independent. Some of them leave violent homes with only their clothes on their backs. So we don't have to wait for a catastrophe ... or large, publicized "tragedy"!
  • 04-20-2013, 04:39 AM
Tragedy what happen to West, TX... and I hope it was an acident

.... and not a pin on johnny job gone out of control.... the zombie pin

....look at all the popcorn... people who know something

How can you coverup what going on?

Make johnny out to be crazy person. Ask COG.... Fail

Dzug johnny so, he would die what appear to be a natural death so, no poison. Ex heart attack ..... Fail

Cant used a sniper to messy.... news media already have some interest

Discredit johnny, make him appear to be antichrist...the #8..... still working on that

WarWizard... do you think, there is going to be war to protect the few... in an era of news media and information is everywhere online...I don think so
LexusLover's Avatar
Tragedy what happen to West, TX... and I hope it was an acident .... Originally Posted by CJOHN
I think there is another thread for ranting ... this is about helping people in need.

FYI: Latest on West, Texas, help .. as per Gallery Furniture website ...

No more stuff wanted ... so says the Mayor.

They want "gift cards" for the "local merchants" in West, Texas, for the ciizens to use to purchase "stuff" from the local merchants.


Apparently, you send them to the Mayor?