So I just saw the HBO teaser buzz on Entourage, where they feature the character Sloane and portray her as the "perfect woman." What do you think? If she were a provider would you book with her? How much would you be willing to pay? What do you think her best feature or service would be while BCD? Do you know any providers that resemble her?
A1, like your name, you come up with the most anonymous girls. I'm not acquainted with half the ones you post in your polls. As far as this one, nah. There are far more interesting ladies on this board.
A bit too skinny. Nice looks though. But like everything else, it would depend on her reviews. If she was unreliable and a bitch, the eye candy factor wouldn't be enough for me to bother. But if she was reliable, witty, intelligent, with great BCD services, the sky is the limits (not literally, of course). But it just goes to show that looks are an necessary, but not sufficient quality to be a high dollar provider.
Frankly, a gal that has OK good looks and is reliable with great BCD services beats a gal that looks like this that's a drama queen, can't keep appointments, and has mediocre BCD services. Looks are just one part of the equation. More important to some than to others; and more important in some market segments than others; but not enough to succeed alone in any segment.
My ex looked alot like Emmanuelle Chriqui. She wasnt a provider and cost me more than a mortgage or two. I quit watching Entourage just because of the constant reminders.