The Saddest Part of the Boston Tragedy

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Amid the shouts of USA! USA! and Neil Diamond helping to heal the city by singing poorly at a Red Sox game, there lies a real tragedy. By this I mean the willingness of the Boston people to surrender virtually ALL of their rights to the government for a short period of time.

Boston and other cities effectively closed for a day, while citizens cringed and begged the government to protect them from ONE PERSON! Searching homes and businesses with not a single warrant in sight. Are you fucking kidding me? Boston Strong? Bullshit. More like Boston "help me".

And who was hurt by this? You guessed it. The working class. If you receive an hourly rate, or tips, or own a small business, guess what? You lost a day of productivity. Didn't get those hours in, or get those tips, or make those sales, because your government was PROTECTING YOU!

What a bunch of cowards. This is how the police state will arrive. We just got a sneak preview in Boston.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-21-2013, 09:57 PM
wow ... youre a talking point memo if Ive ever seen one. Try harder, you left out drones.
Amid the shouts of USA! USA! and Neil Diamond helping to heal the city by singing poorly at a Red Sox game, there lies a real tragedy. By this I mean the willingness of the Boston people to surrender virtually ALL of their rights to the government for a short period of time.

Boston and other cities effectively closed for a day, while citizens cringed and begged the government to protect them from ONE PERSON! Searching homes and businesses with not a single warrant in sight. Are you fucking kidding me? Boston Strong? Bullshit. More like Boston "help me".

And who was hurt by this? You guessed it. The working class. If you receive an hourly rate, or tips, or own a small business, guess what? You lost a day of productivity. Didn't get those hours in, or get those tips, or make those sales, because your government was PROTECTING YOU!

What a bunch of cowards. This is how the police state will arrive. We just got a sneak preview in Boston. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

spoken by a true ass hole who spends his time in a bunker thinking the sky is falling and posting threads and cartoons on every anti American subject he can find.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Actually, this is a pro-American thread. Real Americans won't let the government run all over them and trample their rights, like you will, EvaEkim.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-21-2013, 10:54 PM
those people at the concert weren't real americans because you have an opinion about Young pulling a publicity stunt ?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Did they cringe in their houses and let the government trample their rights because of one teenager?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-21-2013, 11:07 PM
Did they cringe in their houses and let the government trample their rights because of one teenager? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
no they all grabbed their assault weapons Ronmey banned and flew out in the streets hampering the LE officers trained for the job ...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Back in the corner Whiny.

You done stuck your foot in your mouth again! With all the TRANSIENT DICK in there, I'm surprised there was any room.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
And allowing LE into their homes without a warrant, sacrificing their livelihood while the government closes the city searching for ONE teenager.

Conform and comply. That's your motto, CBJ7. Not mine. The Boston area crumbled under the government and the media. It's sad that the place where Liberty got it's start here, is the first place we see it crumble completely.

I don't expect you to understand, CBJ7. You think government only does good.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-21-2013, 11:24 PM
And allowing LE into their homes without a warrant, sacrificing their livelihood while the government closes the city searching for ONE teenager.

Conform and comply. That's your motto, CBJ7. Not mine. The Boston area crumbled under the government and the media. It's sad that the place where Liberty got it's start here, is the first place we see it crumble completely.

I don't expect you to understand, CBJ7. You think government only does good.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

In this case the government was doing exacty what the people of Boston wanted them to do and exactly what they pay them to do ...
Actually, this is a pro-American thread. Real Americans won't let the government run all over them and trample their rights, like you will, EvaEkim.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Hey Grandma why don't you just put up a bill board saying fuck you Boston? What a lame piece of shit you are...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
redriverronin's Avatar
These idiots and their religion hate to have to think about anything there mighty god will protect them. Don't blasphem their god you false prophet or through the power of their all powerful all seeing god you will be punished. They aren't any different than bible thumpers this new god they worship is just getting started killing the non believers and the believers the crazy times are just starting.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
After the teenager was caught, there was celebrating in the streets.

Or did the crooked media just play some old video from the last time the Bruins won the Stanley Cup?

I love your paranoid schizophrenic conspiracy posts COG; keep 'em coming!
The Saddest Part of the Boston Tragedy Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Wow, StupidOldLyingFart's stated belief that the "saddest part of the Boston tragedy" was not the senseless bombing that resulted in a terrible loss of life and limb. Instead he believes that the "saddest part" would be that a "fan favorite" of the Red Sox thought enough of the local residents to give of his time by flying in from California, in order to share with a stadium packed full of people a few words of comfort, through a song.

All I can say is, simply amazing! Unfortunately for us all, there are idiots like him among us!