anyone gonna see danzig tonight

Just wondering?
Mamasaidknockyouup12's Avatar

Saw him in 95 when he was good. After last year's debacle, any Austinite knows better.
illuminati's Avatar
What happened last year with Danzig?
mrhamm's Avatar

From the article:
Here’s the lowdown from brooklynvegan:

Danzig, complete with Danzig, Samhain and Misfits sets, was supposed to play at 8:15pm at Fun Fun Fun Fest last night (11/4). He didn’t finally get on stage until 9:00 which was especially noticeable at the Austin festival which otherwise runs completely on time. You could tell it wasn’t the fest’s fault too. During the entire 45 minute delay, Danzig’s stagehands were constantly doing random stuff, most notably putting up blue tarps on either side of the stage – a clearly unplanned action that was apparently supposed to make the stage warmer. Around 8:45 a guy came out and started crossing songs off the setlist.

From Rolling Stone…

At 10 p.m., when the promoters were required to enforce the city’s curfew and turned off the equipment, Danzig had only gotten through two Misfits songs, much to the loud disappointment of fans, many of whom had traveled from many miles away according to comments on Facebook and Twitter. Danzig encouraged them to riot in protest, but other than some tossed trash, most politely declined