The Patrick administration clamped down the lid yesterday on Boston Herald requests for details of Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s government benefits, citing the dead terror mastermind’s right to privacy.

Across the board, state agencies flatly refused to provide information about the taxpayer-funded lifestyle for the 26-year-old man and his brother and accused accomplice Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19.

On EBT card status or spending, state welfare spokesman Alec Loftus would only say Tamerlan Tsarnaev, his wife and 3-year-old daughter received benefits that ended in 2012. He declined further comment.

On unemployment compensation, labor department spokesman Kevin Franck refused to say whether Tamerlan Tsarnaev ever collected, saying it was “confidential and not a matter of public record.”
Democrats can find a way of revealing confidential information - look at Obama in his 1st Senate run (exposed sealed divorce records of opponent), Reid opined about Romney's taxes on the Senate floor, and most recently the Democratic operatives secretly recorded and revealed McConnell meetings............

No outrage there; so why can't we get a Democrat to tell us how much American taxpayers have paid these Boston Bombers ?????

Of course Democrats want to protect these terrorists is part of their anti-America pledge.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-25-2013, 01:36 PM
tim tim tim

Democrats have no problem outing the personal finances and lives of a private citizen; but go balls to the walls to protect the very public funding that the Boston terrorists received....

Talk about fucked up priorities.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Absolutely, Trendaway, let's DO talk about fucked up priorities.....yours for instance.
Democrats can find a way of revealing confidential information - look at Obama in his 1st Senate run (exposed sealed divorce records of opponent), Reid opined about Romney's taxes on the Senate floor, and most recently the Democratic operatives secretly recorded and revealed McConnell meetings............

No outrage there; so why can't we get a Democrat to tell us how much American taxpayers have paid these Boston Bombers ?????

Of course Democrats want to protect these terrorists is part of their anti-America pledge. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Oh, I was wondering how long it would take your simpleton mind to make an Obama connection. Next, I'm sure you'll have Obama planting the pressure-cooker bombs. Fucking idiot.
Feel free to address the Mass. Democrats protecting the "privacy rights" of the terrorists..............

And yes, Obama had no problem seeking private information on his political opponent in his first run for do know about that don't you Timmyboy ?

Why is it Dems will protect what should be public; but go out of their way to make public what should be private ?
Feel free to address the Mass. Democrats protecting the "privacy rights" of the terrorists..............

And yes, Obama had no problem seeking private information on his political opponent in his first run for do know about that don't you Timmyboy ?

Why is it Dems will protect what should be public; but go out of their way to make public what should be private ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Feel free to blow me in between your absurd attempts to smear everyone you disagree with by using a topic that has shit to do with shinola.
If it was Gov. Perry; we would no doubt have a full public accounting of all the public assistance these terrorists got from us;

I think the lesson is - the Boston Bombers were state sponsored terrorists ! Payed for by the good citizens of the US of A. Gov. Patrick just doesn't want to acknowledge it; it doesn't help the Democrats pro amnesty, open border sentiments.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-25-2013, 04:47 PM
yup, deciding how much or how little public assistance the two suspects got will have a dramatic outcome on the case itself ...

if youre a complete idiot
I am not concerned about the judicial process; the surviving bomber will be convicted, without this is the policy debate that i think this kind of information is important....

I understand that Progressive liberals don't want to connect the dots......thus we get a liberal Democrat Governor keeping cover on the money we paid these families to hunt us down and kill us...........
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-25-2013, 04:53 PM
I am not concerned about the judicial process; the surviving bomber will be is the policy debate that i think this kind of information is important....

I understand that Progressive liberals don't want to connect the dots......thus we get a liberal Democrat Governor keeping cover on the money we paid these families to hunt us down and kill us........... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
look on the bright side, this liberal dem Gov would do the same for you even though youre a rightwing turd roller
You may think that, but if a Conservative murdered and maimed; I doubt it..........all Democrats would be out front and center jabbering about all the public assistance that was paid, no doubt !

It is what the left does with those they disagree; I already told you about how Obama, Reid, the anti-McConnell people, etc. operated when it comes to privacy..........Progressive liberals don't give a shit about principals, they will mow you down in a second if you oppose them...

Look at what Obama did in his first campaign in Illinois; he got hold of court sealed divorce papers to use against his opponents....privacy be damned.....

Again, why do Democrats try to keep private what is obviously in the public interest; but make public, matters that should be kept private ??????????
bojulay's Avatar
Give us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses, yearning
to set up and detonate their bombs, with time enough left over
to meet up at Starbucks for a round of lattes.