ISO Sprint Blackberry or Upgrade!

Lana Warren's Avatar
Ok, I somehow water damaged my sprint blackberry and just found out that I don't have insurance on it! I know, I know......stupid, huh? I thought I did, but the ex bought it for me before the divorce, so who knows what his deal was! I'm not actually due for an upgrade for 6 more months and I hate the idea of having to buy a new one at this time since school is about to start for my college son! Anyway, just checking to see if anyone has one that they would like to sell at a reasonable price! If so, please send me a PM or email!

Thank you,
Boltfan's Avatar
I have a couple. A Tour (9630) and a Curve. Want to trade hehe?
Lana Warren's Avatar
And just what did you have in mind?
Boltfan's Avatar
Going swimming tonight?
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
You might wish to check on craigslist. Although I detest the site for stuff like finding civilian men to pal and screw around with (what a train wreck that was a few years back!), I have found it's a GREAT place to find stuff like phones, furniture, etc.

Good luck! I'm still trying to decide if I should get rid of Sprint and get one of those Iphones like so many have. Do you love your Blackberry?


P. S. I LOVE your new avatar.
Boltfan's Avatar

Think twice, make that three times about the iPhone. They are getting hammered right now for launching their latest piece.

Android, regardless of carrier, is the best selling platform and has the most handset options. So many choices for what you like best, all with the abililty to hold them any way you choose.


I will bring them tonight.
I love my Android