Ferrari Patrol Car

Which police force in the world just added a Ferrari FV to its patrol car fleet?


This recent addition follows other recent acquisitions to the Dubai police fleet, including a Chevrolet Camaro SS, a Dodge Charger, a BMW 5-Series, and a Lambourghini Aventador.

The official excuse is to allow the police to keep up with law-breaking high-powered supercars, but it is really another blatant way of showing off their obscene wealth.

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Nov 20, 2007 – The United Arab Emirates, Russia and Hong Kong are the most attractive tax destinations for workers, according to survey...
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 04-27-2013, 07:16 PM
The official excuse is to allow the police to keep up with law-breaking high-powered supercars, but it is really another blatant way of showing off their obscene wealth. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
Excuse? Why would they need an "excuse"?

Showing Off? It is only consider showing off by people who are jealous.

At what point does having wealth become obscene?

I say, if they can afford it, more power to them.
Showing Off? It is only consider showing off by people who are jealous. Originally Posted by GP
I'll remember these words of wisdom the next time someone is called out for bragging about his "size".

At what point does having wealth become obscene? Originally Posted by GP
Everyone is entitled to his opinion on that: LOL
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 04-27-2013, 08:03 PM
I'll remember these words of wisdom the next time someone is called out for bragging about his "size". Originally Posted by jackfengshui
I hope your not referring to pyramider and his 1.3 inches of dangling death! LOL LOL Originally Posted by jackfengshui
Amazing! Another website where they have the same discussions as we have here. I never woulda thunk it! LOL
JohnnyCap's Avatar
It is fundamentally wrong for a man to hoard food while his neighbor goes hungry.
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  • GP
  • 04-27-2013, 08:34 PM
JohnnyCap's Avatar
I don't doubt you're incapable of seeing the difference. Everyone hungry is lazy, and everyone rich works hard. That's about the speed of your children's network library.
DDarkness's Avatar
Ah but to defend GP and support your premise Johnny ... The rest of the story that GP shared was ...

While the ant explained this common principal of hard work begetting plenty which results in the self sufficiency and sustainability of the colony to the grasshopper, other members of the colony surrounded the ant and they stung him repeatedly and he died there on the floor of the hive ... the real purpose of the Fable is ... Never give up but if you do, DON'T go into an Ant Hive unless you have eyes in the back of your head and RUN LIKE HELL if they seem to be attacking you!

GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 04-28-2013, 03:24 AM
I don't doubt you're incapable of seeing the difference. Everyone hungry is lazy, and everyone rich works hard. That's about the speed of your children's network library. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
I do see the difference here JC and I can appreciate your view. I was using it as an analogy of sorts. I will admit though, that it does carry it a bit to the extreme. I would think your comparison of cars to food does as well. It sure makes for an interesting conversation. I think both of us went right to the most basic principles of how we really feel.

Never give up but if you do, DON'T go into an Ant Hive unless you have eyes in the back of your head and RUN LIKE HELL if they seem to be attacking you! Originally Posted by DDarkness
You can run much faster in a Lambourghini Aventador!
its always easier to spend someone elses money
JohnnyCap's Avatar
I know the fable jumped right over my funny bone and got me riled up, I appreciate the next few posts not firing back.

I originally wanted to say that ostentatiousness and flamboyance are qualities that can motivate terrorism and as such might better be avoided.

But I am unaware of attacks in the UAE. So instead I quoted Marx and was slapped back with Aesop? But why not?

And JB's point is the problem; too few have the character to care for what they don't own.
DDarkness's Avatar
Can we agree that it is important to work for what you want, work hard to get it, appreciate what you have, and recognize that coveting what another has/possesses gets you no closer to your goals?

Then again, perhaps it makes sense to also value the belief that sharing what we have is good for the soul and that if there is a worthwhile cause, it is important to give what we can.

For me its time more then financial contributions but I give what I can when I can because I can!

FUCK IT!!!! Work Hard, Play Hard, Enjoy Life To The Fullest and of course ... NUKE 'EM ALL LET GOD SORT 'EM OUT!!!!!! Sorry I had to do it! I was starting to get too serious!

I give what I can because I want to. Give a man/woman/child a fish - they eat for a day. Teach a man/woman/child to fish - they can feed themselves for a lifetime' ... and be contributing members of society paying taxes and sharing in the american dream ... of course, if they don't like fish? FUCK 'EM!

offshoredrilling's Avatar
mmmm ahhhh to many would rather the fish given to them rather than going fishing.
DDarkness's Avatar
Ahhhh mmmm but not all! If we can teach a few then just maybe those negative numbers will go down! And then we can invest in more Uhhh err tanks?