The Butchart Gardens?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Isn't The Butchart Gardens relatively close to Vancouver? Or do I have my geography all wrong?

This is one place that I sincerely wish to visit. A lot!
It's over in Victoria, so closer than it was when you were in Vegas but still not real close .... It's beautiful and worth the trip though
Whoops, just noticed I replied to an awfully old post, apologies for bump ...
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Oh gosh, no problem. Thinking of that garden, and the things that I've heard about the beauty of it, does nothing but make me smile when remembering.

Thanks for the input.

  • jismo
  • 02-25-2014, 12:10 AM
looks incredibly beautiful...only in Vancouver BC for a few days. any other places you recommend?
It's beautiful and worth the trip though
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