An apology and a bit of a confession...

I'd like to take this opportunity to extend an apology for any poor performance issues that have arisen via the last 3 or 4 weeks. Without going into a great amount of detail, for those who DON'T already know, I have made a MAJOR lifestyle change, and it had NOT BEEN EASY... I am fatigued beyond belief, ( exhaustion doesnt even begin to cover the actual feeling... ) and I am a bit less patient and more snappy than usual...

Anyway, I WILL and I AM overcoming this, plus here comes my best friend ever, Auntie FLO... to make me pissier, more tired, hungry, and unable to keep the appts I have set up through Friday. I won't be available again until Monday, and I will run my hh special again as a way to show commitment to my "customer base."

I apologize for any and all unnacountabilities anyone may have sufferred as a result of any of this, and I also thank all who have faith in my ability to set this all right.

Your heart is in the right place babe! Just do your thing, get back to your regular hell cat self, and I have to say bravo for making a statement like this-acknowledgmemt is the best way to apologize and start to make amends!

People know how it is to be down and trying to pull yourself up by your boot-straps..... So I can't imagine they will be upset with you for trying to get right :-)

JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Best wishes to you with your changes, Miss. May you find exactly what you seek.
handyGiraffe's Avatar
Best we go through life...we don't all ways operate at 100%...your true friends will accept you for who you are..and excuse when you aren't who they would like you to be..
DallasRain's Avatar
sending big hugs your way!!
We all have ups and downs beautiful.
Your a strong woman, you'll make it through<3
jic980's Avatar
Hope things get better. Would like to meet you, you seem like a classy woman.


If you're sitting on your butt indoors, and have the opportunity... GET UP AND GO OUTSIDE... EVEN IF IT IS ONLY FOR A FEW MINUTES! Let the sun touch you a bit ... and feel that ever so steady yet gentle breeze. Ah.

This DAY WAS MADE for convertibles and cars with sunroofs!

nerdy123's Avatar
Good luck to you ma'am
sounds like you quit smoking which is very hard to do, will turn you into a snapping, screaming banshee who is in a bad mood all the time. I know I tried for years, once I even made it for 8 years and then stress an life caught up to me and I made the biggest mistake of my life...I started smoking again. If this is your major life style change stick with it. I quit again but only after 3 silent heart attacks and congestive heart failure (which was sudden and without warning) Now its been 14 months and I will never smoke again. I can be extremely difficult which some people just don't understand, but for certain personality types it is really reallty hard to quit. Good luck with your life style change. Hope to see you soon
Wah wah wah..more apologies for being pathetic. You're never going to change.
Apologizing doesn't make a person pathetic Maliar.
Closed (with OP's permission). This thread is no longer relevant.