I'd like to take this opportunity to extend an apology for any poor performance issues that have arisen via the last 3 or 4 weeks. Without going into a great amount of detail, for those who DON'T already know, I have made a MAJOR lifestyle change, and it had NOT BEEN EASY... I am fatigued beyond belief, ( exhaustion doesnt even begin to cover the actual feeling... ) and I am a bit less patient and more snappy than usual...
Anyway, I WILL and I AM overcoming this, plus here comes my best friend ever, Auntie FLO... to make me pissier, more tired, hungry, and unable to keep the appts I have set up through Friday. I won't be available again until Monday, and I will run my hh special again as a way to show commitment to my "customer base."
I apologize for any and all unnacountabilities anyone may have sufferred as a result of any of this, and I also thank all who have faith in my ability to set this all right.