Screening question for guys

I don't post here often. I usually just read to get info on providers on occasion. I don't hobby often enough to keep up with the providers in the area. Lately, I have had several experiences when attempting to book a provider, where they want lots of personal info. One even wanted me to send them a copy of my driver's license. I completely understand a provider's need for safety and privacy. However, we as guys also have needs for safety and privacy. What are you doing to protect yourself and your identity? How do you book with the screening processes that providers want? I am never comfortable giving any info that could be traced back to me.
King_Louie's Avatar
As others have posted before and will probably back me up on this....join P411.

You'll have to provide some information to them for verification, but this definitely beats having to provide the information to individual providers. After joining P411, screening is a breeze. In my experience, the only information a provider has ever asked me for was my 'Profile ID' and it was done.
jl11's Avatar
  • jl11
  • 05-03-2013, 09:54 AM
Seriously, before this thread gets into paragraphs and paragraphs of opinions and more ramblings about hobby safety, just tell these types of providers to kiss your ass.
johnathan's Avatar
Bro, NEVER handle over your personal infor. I don't care what they say. Heck there is a lady on P411 that insisted on having a picture of you before meeting.... WTF?
holmes50's Avatar
skeeter's Avatar
Rob I've been doing this more years than some of the guys on this board are old ... Lol
411 is your friend ... Gina will want some personal info and its gotten a little expensive but worth it .... She's very discreet in her process

Do a couple of reviews to get your name out there .... You don't have to be a posting fanatic just be known ...

Research the ladies you want to see ..... Some are very trust worthy .... I know some that know a lot about me over the years and I don't worry one minute about it ...

Have fun
Arverni's Avatar
Rob I've been doing this more years than some of the guys on this board are old ... Lol
411 is your friend ... Gina will want some personal info and its gotten a little expensive but worth it .... She's very discreet in her process

Do a couple of reviews to get your name out there .... You don't have to be a posting fanatic just be known ...

Research the ladies you want to see ..... Some are very trust worthy .... I know some that know a lot about me over the years and I don't worry one minute about it ...

Have fun Originally Posted by skeeter
+1 Well Said.
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
I can see P411 being useful, but I haven't needed it. I don't ever put myself in a position where I hand over any personal info. Hobby phone is the hobby phone & hobby e-mail is the hobby e-mail. I've seen girls on here who said they would see me b/c I was known on here & had reviews. I've had a TER account forever. As to how I got started before that? Well, I don't take my wallet into a session, I only bring the session amount + tip (if I think it's necessary).

Frankly, if you want a good way to write a couple of reviews w/o handing over a ton of personal info., try a couple of AMP's & review the girl from there. They don't ask you for your personal info.--you just walk in, but if you give the girl an honest review on here, it will help get you started. Read the reviews in the Massage/Spa forum to see what normally is included (they aren't that different from regular Indie Reviews) and start enjoying yourself!

Oh, and fuck that "send me a copy of your driver's license" noise. Girl's gotta be outta her damn mind...
King_Louie's Avatar
Oh, and fuck that "send me a copy of your driver's license" noise. Girl's gotta be outta her damn mind... Originally Posted by Old Horn Dog
TiCobra's Avatar
OHD I also never bring my wallet or any other source of identification in with me to a session,the only thing goes in with me is her fee + tip...have heard too many bad experiences with client/provider...p411 is a good source for providers to use but some will take it to the extreme when screening and ask for way to much info...I had one actually wanted my license plate # and a pic of my vehicle so she could give it to her friend just in case "they didn't hear from her" in a certain amount of time...she called this person her "security" team lol...more like her pimp I'm just be careful and use the old rule that if it sounds or even looks to good to be usually is.
Yeah, I'm looking at P411 myself. Also, I'm thinking about buying premium here to read details of "no" reviews.

It's tough. I don't want to write reviews, and I'm not going to hang around a message board making hundreds of chatty posts just to seem like a known entity. I want to go through a reasonable screen and that be the end of it. If that doesn't pass muster with the more cautious providers, so be it.
There are some ladies who see newbies with some light screening. Research the lady you would like to see and take it from there, hopefully she will accommodate you.