I've been out of the hobby a while and would like to write/vent a little about what led to my departure. I've been thinking about this a while and finally decided to post these comments.
I had an uncomfortable experience some time back and hope this helps others avoid the experience I had.
I'm not "cut"..and unfortunately my last meeting was with someone who was not familiar with that..I know, seems a provider would be educated on this but this one evidently was not. She seemed put off by that and honestly, I felt like she thought I was "Typhoid Maury" (note the lack of sexism there). I tried to explain the difference between circumcised and not, but she was extremely put off.
I always try tell a person before we meet about me, my physical appearance, etc. in order to avoid such misunderstandings.
So..if you (a provider) don't care for men who are not circumcised or older or whatever else turns you off, please speak out beforehand. This little courtesy could prevent a demeaning situation, which, in my case has made me uncomfortable about pursuing this hobby.
Just a simple request, educate yourself and be honest..it will make for a much more enjoyable encounter.