Tattooed Eyelids - Totally Bizarre

Check this out:


This man's eyes are closed in this picture. His eyelids are tattooed with images of eyes. Since he had it done, he's never lost a staring contest. He could sleep through a sermon or lecture and no one would ever know, but waking up next to him might be startling. Can you imagine his open casket funeral? There's got to be other parts of life that would be totally different for someone with this particular body art.

That is crazy. Here is the picture:

To each his own!
JCM800's Avatar
that's some crazy shit right there ...dudes got some high pain tolerence
Chica Chaser's Avatar
There are some odd motherfuckers out there
15 or so years ago there was someone in Europe that was "studding" the actual eyeball. I don't even want to google it.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I was in New Orleans when the local fad was to have vampire fangs permanently glued into your mouth. They fell out after about a month but still... it was the setting and premier site for "Interview with a Vampire". I never did run into Nicole.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-06-2013, 02:34 AM
15 or so years ago there was someone in Europe that was "studding" the actual eyeball. I don't even want to google it. Originally Posted by gnadfly

nothing new in prison life