Damn the luck!!!

Ok, as much fun as I was beginning to have, I am having to cut my damn visit short! I am one of those ones who cannot keep a calendar because of sporadic reasons! Will be doing a makeup trip mid June before heading my heinie to the east coast. Baton Rouge, thank u thins time for filling up my dance card, just sorry I am having to cancel.
skeeter's Avatar
Seems like you and I had this discussion in Jackson one night .... Lol
When you come back why not ad LC for a day I'll try to make it worth the trip ...
CWS91's Avatar
  • CWS91
  • 05-07-2013, 02:40 PM
... in the words of Elaine from Seinfeld, "I don't know how you guys put up with those things."
I like to have a hysterectomy please
eholiday's Avatar
Sorry you had to cut your trip short Mina. I was looking forward to finally getting to meet you this evening. Oh well, shit happens. Take care!
TiCobra's Avatar
Awesome time with you Mina! I'll watch for your return!
Being a woman sucks!
Mina, one of these nights......
Psshtt... Dear I just need to go ahead and open a cam show for u and Wiley lol
ilovedatass's Avatar
Psshtt... Dear I just need to go ahead and open a cam show for u and Wiley lol Originally Posted by Mina Parker

Can I watch?
Lol, I should print those out
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
Well, we all know how you looooove popcorn... Sorry about your unexpected visitor. I couldn't come up to BR anyway, so it makes me feel better b/c I'm like, "OK, I didn't MISS her b/c I couldn't go..."