Opinions on providers wearing perfume?

Not sure if this has been discussed before, but what is everyone's opinions on a provider wearing perfume during a session? As discretion is a must for many of us, I do not like when a provider shows up wearing an excessive amount. The more availability for that fragrance to transfer to my clothing and create all sorts of problems. A small amount is ok with me, but was curious to everyone else's opinions on this...ladies and gents.
TestSpin's Avatar
I like a little perfume, but I am divorced and not going home to a SO, so I don't have to worry about going home with a slight scent of perfume on my clothes. I think that is even one of the preference questions for hobbyists on their p411 profiles.
Not a fan. I like a woman's aroma when she's arroused-I prefer no deodorant as long as she is clean
I prefer freshly showered with no perfume. My SO has a nose like a bloodhound and I'd be nervous as hell until I could get showered and clothes washed.
It was an issue once. Uncomfortable moment.
willro's Avatar
Less is more when it comes to a fragrance. A little is nice, but if it is too strong it can be unpleasant and, as stated before, it can stick with you as you go elsewhere.
A regular client of mine used to buy his wife the same perfume I wear... Brilliant.
tuckahoe's Avatar
Even a little perfume gets on hair and skin and clothes. The scent can easily be detected by others. The natural smells of a clean woman are arousing and exciting.
LittleRockLover's Avatar
I prefer a lady wear perfume, lotion, etc. I love good smells!!
bladtinzu's Avatar
Never bothered me.

But I can see how some of the married ones would prefer them to not have any on.
christylynn's Avatar
perfume i believe if its light or not at all i like to be fresh smelling and make sure i have taken a shower before they come i dont like to be u know to perfumy or not taken a shower i wanna smell clean but not over powering
Igoforit's Avatar
Wear as much as u like with me, but then I don't have wife or girlfriend to go home to!
Logan135's Avatar
I don't mind lite perfume or the freshly shower smell. I did see one lady who smelled like coconut suntan lotion. The scent was overpowering and had a negative influence in regards to wanting to see her again.
SouthernBorn's Avatar
None. Your SO will notice.
willro's Avatar
The only time that I've really had a problem with a lingering scent was when a massage specialist used an oil with a fragrance. It's bad enough that your skin is shinny from the oil, but a strong aroma cloud following you around makes it very clear that you've recently had a complete rubdown. A fragrance transfer from provider to client is much less noticeable than a scent actually being applied to the client.