How many of us staying the entire committed time?

So guys, I usually find myself leaving early before the committed time is over. Do you guys linger around after you are done with your deed and leave and when clock hits the mark?
livn2do's Avatar
Depends upon the woman in question. I've been with gals that I couldn't wait to get the hell outta there and others that I just wanted to curl up and spend the day in bed with. Once you've done what you came to do there really isn't any reason to stay longer unless you just both enjoy one anothers company but I would never assume that to be the case unless she tells you its alright to hang. The last thing I want to do is pass the next in line in the hallway but then again if she books clients that close to one another is she the type of provider that you really want to see to begin with. If all she has time for is to baby wipe the coochie between swords, I'm not interested.

That's why I always pretty much stuck to my regular and very few traveling ladies. The boundaries had already been set which made the visit's all the more pleasurable. No surprises. I'm to fuckin' old for surprises.
Livn2do as always couldnt have said it better.
I've been with providers that pretty much want you to cum as soon as you step in the door since they might have someone else in line. I am no porn actor and even though I am a man I also need to get in sync to get my juices flowing, I hate it when in the middle of action some providers ask are we there yet! Fuck I hate to be rushed, for one thing I am paying so she should consider that I expected proper caring of my needs and if she has the whole Hawkeye team waiting it aint my problem, curiously though as customers sometimes for this kind of service we tend to forget we should be demanding as well.
I am no trying to be selfish yet we are seeking more than physical pleasure since I assure you I can jerk off and be done in less than a couple of minutes and physically I would have achieved something similar, yet human interaction is also what we look for and providers should acknowledge that, Just my humble opinion.
Great topic though
reddecember's Avatar
I admit, I like to use up the clock. I pay for a service and expect to get what I paid for. One of the things I pay for is the time with one of these beautiful ladies. This is not to say that I have never ran from a room half clothed after a horrible experience, because I have. I like to think I can take a hint and if I am not wanted, I will hit the door. However, I will mention this in a review and I won't be back. Most of the ladies I have seen (especially from here) are good conversationalists and make the time enjoyable even if the adult action is done.

I am on a bit of a vacation lately - kind of a forced one at that. I am like Livin, and at the point where I have my ATF and that is where I feel my time and money is best spent. I don't have to worry about being pressed for time, and I do my best not to take advantage - though it is damn hard to do sometimes! Every hobbist and provider meeting is different - this is just my take.
Recently I met up with a provider from BP, she is more on the heavy side but not in anyway a BBW. She has very nice firm jugs, pretty face and very accommodating personality. We did quite a bit of foreplay and enjoyed each other so much that we ended up overran the session by 15 mins. That was a very memorable session and it the only session up to date that I actually stayed the entire time.

BTW, Livn2do brought up a good point about high traffic providers, I usually try to schedule things very early in the AM that way I can mitigate chances of crossing swords with leftover from her previous clients. But again as soon as I pop I will jet out of there.