Hello, New Orleans (and Baton Rouge)!

Hi ECCIEzens! I'm not new to the site, but I'm new to the area. I moved from Dallas a while back and found myself settled in Baton Rouge, and I also can't seem to stay out of New Orleans. Haha. Looking forward to meeting all of you!
Welcome Carrie!
LA Man's Avatar
Welcome to our humble home!
When You Are Ready's Avatar
New Orleans is my favorite city, as you also seem to think.

SknyDiva's Avatar
Welcome Hun!! Be safe & have Fun!!
Moving to welcome and intro forum.
DallasRain's Avatar
Thanks everyone. It's great to be here.
  • Nakia
  • 05-11-2013, 09:56 PM
Welcome Carrie!
weebbadd's Avatar
Hi Carrie,
Welcome back glad you made Louisiana your new home town....
Welcome. Do you have any pictures of yourself that you can share?
Elegance.Reign's Avatar
Welcome. Do you have any pictures of yourself that you can share? Originally Posted by stavinChain
Yep, they're all on my website. Which you should all check out. /threAD

Edited to add: Huh. I used to have a showcase on here. Guess that got filed away during my absence. Boo. I'll have to figure out how to resurrect it.

Hottie Originally Posted by Elegance.Reign
Aw shucks. Right back at ya!
Hi ECCIEzens! I'm not new to the site, but I'm new to the area. I moved from Dallas a while back and found myself settled in Baton Rouge, and I also can't seem to stay out of New Orleans. Haha. Looking forward to meeting all of you! Originally Posted by Carrie Hillcrest
New Orleans is absolutely wonderful! Nothing like Dallas.... It so easy to fall in love with the city and never come back....

SknyDiva's Avatar
Hello brownsugarbaby!! you be safe sweetie and HAVE LOTS OF FUN!!