Deactivating Acct

I'm deactivating my account now due to poor customer service. My Eccie regulars, especially my p411 & TER guys are welcome to contact me anytime. I hv a new email address. Shoot me an email at my former address, & I will provide you with my new contact information only for my p411 clients that I hv seen for 3+ appts.

Don't waste your time and mine asking for my new email if I hv never met u. Get ur a$$ on p411 like every other upstanding guy. Then, we shall talk business Many of you think Eccie is the only board to meet providers; it isn't. Branch out to The Erotic Review where all of the gems of providers can be found and each girl's review has a 0-10 rating for face/body and 0-10 for performance. U can search and select providers by cities and ratings, ages, skills offered. Go check out TER, if u haven't. You will find me on TER under the top rated in my area.

Sorry to part, but my next chariot and adventures await me
It's been real.

Lisa Lyonz of Lafayette, LA
Queen Lioness of The NEW Traveling Circus
ilovedatass's Avatar
Chin up .... luvs ya hun
Arverni's Avatar
I told you - I'm not an upstanding guy they'd throw me off P411 if I signed up!

Good Luck
Both of yall are upstanding and cool as shi×!
Need assistance deactivating acct asap?!
I have noticed a lot of ladies disappearing from here. I wonder if anyone else has noticed? Its a shame...... apparently there is a cause for this.
DallasRain's Avatar
I have not had any problems on here....

I wish ya the best---good luck to you babe!
Sorry to see you go beautiful!
Bababoeuy's Avatar
Based on this thread it looks like you would email: with your request to terminate your account.

In the meantime I would simply log off, which is pretty close to terminating your account except for your account showing the word Disabled on it Also the little green circle goes dim once you log off letting people know you're not logged on anymore.
When You Are Ready's Avatar
Good luck, have fun, and be safe.

I've never had a problem on ECCIE. In fact, I just helped a lady get signed up on ECCIE.
Sorry to see you go, and I wish you all the best.

I agree, it's a good idea to branch out. Never put all your eggs in one basket. Diversify your portfolio. Scatter your seeds widely. Have a girl in every port. Okay, I'm starting to stretch it here. But yes! I still like ECCIE, but remember there are lots of other sites and resources out there.
That's cause you have lots of patience, Dallas! lol
Lisa, you were rockin and rollin before you joined eccie and you will do the same now I'm sure. Your rep speaks for itself. Hope to meet you someday, my little sister thinks the world of you.

I have not had any problems on here....

I wish ya the best---good luck to you babe! Originally Posted by DallasRain
LA Man's Avatar
Gone now, what a shame.....
TifanyR's Avatar
I haven't had anything bad here but seems I am not getting much action either :/
I haven't had anything bad here but seems I am not getting much action either :/ Originally Posted by TifanyR