Holy Orgasm! Batman!

TechOne's Avatar
Met a young lady yesterday for lunch and pleasure. We were watching 'something' on TV while mellowing in between positions...funny show about PGAD - Persistent genital arousal disorder...and she says she has this, so she has been lead into this hobby. At first I did not believe her, but after a few demonstrations...OMG! ANYTHING will set this chic off...and I thought I was her best lover ever when she O'd about a dozen times in the first 2 hours! She pulled out a 9-volt battery, stuck it to her pussy lips, and she was off and running like the energizer bunny, complete with some of the sweetest tasting twat juices ever!

I had never heard of this before, but will now make every effort to find more 'sufferers' and attempt to sooth their troubles!

Most fantastic 4 hours I have ever spent.
KDOGG's Avatar
  • 05-22-2013, 09:37 AM
Ok, so where do we contact her and show her what a real man is.......lol. Please, don't go all "blad" on me......
MrHappy4u's Avatar
. . . I had never heard of this before, but will now make every effort to find more 'sufferers' and attempt to sooth their troubles!. . . Originally Posted by giteneny

Giteneny, if you decide to start a support group for PGAD sufferers, I'll be happy to facilitate and become the group counselor. They don't call me MrHappy for nothing!
Yes please spread the love ...we as hobbyist should.be afforded the opportunity to experience that! Its probably better than the usual "climb on top and take as much as you can Hon!"
Sounds like SnL
Every guy here is dying to know who the young lady is.
TechOne's Avatar
Sorry, she will not give me permission to reveal her name associated with this medical condition...I had to ask, I did not feel comfortable giving it out... BTW, she is not on Eccie.
Double boo.
Dang she could become rich. I'm interested!!!
Tell her we have the same condition and want to start a support group!