Independent vs. Agency providers?

rednecksatyr's Avatar
I began my hobbying with an agency in Pensacola, Florida. I have since enjoyed ladies both from agencies and the independent realm of our world.

I have a personal preference for independent providers.

I would be very interested in other members views on this.

Comments are solicited from all. ??
nebtex1's Avatar
I remember we had a similar thread a few months ago.

My preference is independent, since I think the girl deserves 100% of the money, but I understand that some girl don't want to hassle with all the details of managing their own location and ad's etc., etc.

Also, a lot of hobbist don't link the idea of a "pimp".

However, I have found that some girls working out of an apartment and claim to be independent are actually "managed". Of course, some "managers" claim they just handle the administrative detail and the girls makes her own decisions about where and when to work.

Of course, the worst scenario (see MSNBC special) is that a girl can be kidnapped and forced into the hobby without it being their own choice. Hopefully that doesn't happen in Houston, but realistically I'm sure there is some form of this that happens in Houston. (FYI, the MSNBC special was really outrageous ... a young underage high school girl was kidnapped in Toledo and forcibly endured what amount to violent rapes for several days ... the john's knew the score ..., then they attempt to ship her to another part of the country via truckers that helped out ... the girls was rescued before she was shipped out of town).

Again, I favor real independents ... since I do not want to participate in unwanted encounters.
Gryphon's Avatar
I favor independents or high-end agencies, figuring that the girls who are with such agencies are there by choice and could be independent if they chose to do their own screening/scheduling. Of course, I could be deluding myself about that part.
Agencies keep way too much information on hobbyists. It isn't worth the risk. Once LE busts the Agency they have the whole list of hobbyists to go after. Just look at Houston.
I worked for agencies for years. Very high end agencies might I add and they booked back to back, I didnt have time to freshen up, I didnt have time to shower. It was horrid. 1pm, 2pm, 3pm till 1am. Yes I made alot of $$ but at the end of the day... it was far from ideal for me and the gents. And they do save alot of info. And LE is going to target an ageny more so than an indy, its the bigger fish. I mean no one is immune, but thats the way it is. Plus and indy is keeping all and not just 1/2-2/3rds, so there is that. Indy all the way!!!
OK , i have to disagree on one thing and maybe i am outside of the norm but i run a very small agency (only 2 to 3 ladies) at a time and i do NOT keep clients information after screening is done. I never keep RW names or phone numbers. I remember our clients by special things that i remember about each of them. My ladies have the choice to see or not see a client. If they want to do 1 appointment a day thats on them and there pockets if they want to do 10 then thats what they tell me at the start of the day. Being clean is very important to me and the ladies that i work with so it is a must and matter of fact it is up there at the top of my in call rules 1. NO DRUGS of any kind
2. Shower after each client and change the bedding.
Maybe its because i do things on a smaller scale then most but being clean and fresh as well as safe is of up most importance to me.
Just look at Houston. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Tudor you're so mis-informed on the Houston ordeal, it was not over the information in any matter, it was about making a point "Don't shove it in my face, I'll take you down".
Yeah, the agencies I worked for had 2 or more girls per city in over a dozen major cities at anytime.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Agencies keep way too much information on hobbyists. It isn't worth the risk. Once LE busts the Agency they have the whole list of hobbyists to go after. Just look at Houston. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Just look at Phoenix from just 2 years ago;
They were banking $250K per MONTH!
1000's of customer names were seized by police

AZ Republic Article
8/6/2008 - just new or modified info:
Investigators have yet to scour a 367-page ledger filled with client information that was confiscated during the raid.

So yeah, agencies keep records and names and will give them up if it might help their case. Guess you can figure out where I stand on the agency/independent debate!

If you really want to read more about it this link lists many articles
Tudor you're so mis-informed on the Houston ordeal, it was not over the information in any matter, it was about making a point "Don't shove it in my face, I'll take you down". Originally Posted by Woody of TX
Doesn't belie the fact that LE got a client list.
Texmedic's Avatar
CT2005, I used the agencies involved in Houston before BT, I always paid cash, and used a first name (not my real one) only. there are ways around having your indo spread all aove the place.
Cpalmson's Avatar
I've used both indies and agency providers. When I started out, only high end providers could be seen via an agency. This was before the boom on the internet and proliferation of sites like this. I had very good luck with agency providers even before the term GFE came into existence. Maybe I was a trend setter Over time, though, everything has evolved, and I find myself gravitating towards the independents for several reasons. First, I think the internet has killed the "middle class" of agencies. It seems to me that agency providers are much more high end today (i.e. $$$ or expect longer term dates @ $$$ prices). Also, it seems while agencies can deliver super-model looking providers, those providers are less than willing to offer services most of us would expect at those prices. This is where the independents and internet comes into play. I can pretty much find an independent provider who has the look and menu that I can afford. Independents have low operating costs and are so much easier to deal with.

As for agencies and raids, I'm not too concerned. In the past, I've never given them my real name nor paid with check or CC.
As for agencies and raids, I'm not too concerned. In the past, I've never given them my real name nor paid with check or CC. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
I've never been to an agency. All I can say is: The ones that I've looked at required RL information as a part of the screening process. There was not an option to either pay in cash or provide screening with P411, DC or the like. Do I recall which ones? No. As soon as I saw their booking page, I moved on and never looked back.
Cpalmson's Avatar
I've never been to an agency. All I can say is: The ones that I've looked at required RL information as a part of the screening process. There was not an option to either pay in cash or provide screening with P411, DC or the like. Do I recall which ones? No. As soon as I saw their booking page, I moved on and never looked back. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
My experience with agencies was 10+ years ago, and in my location, the agencies weren't as sophisticated as today. Back in the day, it went some thing like this--- call up, give name (any name), ask for description of girl, select girl, give address of hotel/location, wait an hour for girl to show, and hope for the best (which it usually was). I did use an agency once a few years back, but it wasn't really a true agency. It was a provider herself and several of her friends worked with/for her. I discovered them via the old ASPD site, so I wasn't too concerned.

As for agencies/web booking sites that require real life info, I just move along. I also won't even try to book with an indie that requires employment information as part of the screening. Note to the gals, there are a lot of us who will simply dismiss booking with you because of this.
My experience with agency girls has been less than positive. I frequently called when I was in LV and even though the girls were mouth watering eye candy, those fees and upselling tactics just got old. So, now I stick with the indy girls