Like everyday of the year, thanks to all the vets and those currently serving. Also to those who have been affected by the loss of someone.
Same to everyone that has been in or has family in the military.
I love all you guys, Brothers in arms.
was Air Force, Army, then back to the Air Force.
If you ever see someone in uniform buy them Lunch or Dinner.
it's so little but makes a big difference in your heart.
We have a ton of kids coming home damaged now.
The government throws lot's of money at these kids, these kids think why not and take the 50k or 100k.
but they really don't know it, once they take the cash they are released and will not get any benefits ever. because they are young they like the big shinny toys they can buy now.
but later in life it's to late. I have heard of one guy getting out couldn't find a job, he was out for less then 6 months, he tried to get back in the Army, they told him NO because he got out on a medical release. he went back home and killed himself. he was married, 23 years old and had two kids under 3 years old.
So take that one minute and say thanks to everyone in a uniform anytime.
Most of all that Soldier. just think of a 18 year old kid getting paid 30k to 40k a year to give his life FOR YOU.
Dead soldiers always seem to make the point of the story. Which was???
PAST: We should remember the sacrifices of the living and dead, from the Revolutionary War up until yesterday.
PRESENT: Same goes for everyone that is in harm's way right now.
FUTURE: This is the important one. This is what all those men and women were fighting for: the future. Let's work for a future where wars are obsolete, where soldiers being mowed down on a battlefield is something only taught in history books. After all...if you're 'fighting for peace' and you never have peace...then you're just fighting.