Enema Play

I was wondering if anyone knows of any instructional videos that could help a girl learn how to give an enema, with hoses, attachments, etc?

I've been googling, and can find the supplies, just not sure what all to do with the supplies, and not sure what I could do to hurt the guy, as I don't wanna do that, but I would like to offer that.

I will be attending a seminar in November for this, but that is a ways off, and I'd like to learn now.

Any help would be much appreciated. Feel free to email or pm me here. Thank you.

Basically you use some common sense, use your toys properly and make sure you communicate with your partner prior to starting. You want to stay away from exotic fluids (alcohol is bad unless you really know what you are doing, as are many types of astringents. Warm soapy water can be used safely, as can just regular water).

You also have to think about what type of toy you are going to use (sure-shot, water bottle, bulb/syringe). Usually it's not a problem getting the water inside... its the cleanup/expelling that presents your problems! Will you be in a bathroom-style envrionment, or will your clients be getting the enema on the table and have to move to the toilet to expel? If you want to add a little more control and decrease the chance of leakage/dribbling, think about using a double-bardex enema nozzle. There are other types of inflatables as well.

For the most part a regular enema will just work on the items in the lower bowels. If you are trying to keep your play "clean"... have the client give themeselves a cleaning enema before they come to you so that you are getting to still play, but without all the accompanying messes. If you want a really deep-cleansing one, you are getting into the realms of a colonic, and I would highly advise you to stay away from those. Far too much risk for someone just getting into the sport.

Generally speaking you'll put 1-2quarts of warm water into them, and then they can hold it or immediately expel it. Some people will start cramping up very early on. Speed is not important here. A regular, slow flow will work just as well as a fast flow, and cause much less cramping and discomfort. You should make sure you can control the flow (either through pressure or a clamp), so you can stop and start as necessary. Don't worry if they can't take it all in your session, that's usually not that important. And you can always reload and try again. (heh!)

For general education here's the Wikipedia link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enema

Here's the link to Tristan Taormino's Puckerup page. It has lots of info on anal play: http://www.puckerup.com/anal_advisor...nema_edge_play

You can even get books on enema play at Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Intimate-Invas.../dp/1890159514
Thank you so much for your help.

I have seen some youtube vids on retention nozzles, I think is the word... have you had any experience with these? From what it looks like, it can help them hold it until they can get to a bathroom to expel... I will be working with them on a table or a bed.. I will probably need to get some plastic sheets to put under my sheets just in case... it'll definitely be fun to try.

Oh and I have heard about milk and molasses used in the enemas.. what do you think about these? What is the purpose of using that instead of soap and water?
No, I've not heard of a milk and molasses enema. But there are a number of sites out there if you google "enema recipes" that will give you different types of enema mixtures.

I suppose it really depends on why you are doing them. It doesn't sound like you are going the therapeutic route, so a regular soapy or water enema will be more than sufficient for playing.

If you are worried about them expelling/leaking on the table, be mindful of how much you put inside of them. Usually 1qt will probably be enough, though you'll need to experiment with each person to find out what works best for them individually. You can also use anal/butt plugs to help them retain the water on the trip to the bathroom. If they don't bring their own favorite one, then you can get a few silicone ones, pop a condom on them prior to insertion and then when you are done they clean up pretty easily. There are also more exotic things like metal, rubber, and other materials. Look around and see what you like, and what might interest your "patients".

I would highly reccomend getting some plastic/rubber sheets to play with. I also have heard of some people putting the recipient of the enema in a diaper to protect against leaks and drips, and sometimes just for the fun of it. Kinky play can be fun if you have a creative partner!
Ooooh the diaper sounds fun... thank you so much for your help
The lady in AR...kittyblu? Nursekitty? Check the AR section.

Milk & molasses are supposed "soothing" ingredients (as opposed to cleansing, medicinal or stimulating). Molasses is also used as a cleanser, I think? Used to be a folk recipe to promote movement?

Read this it has alot of helpful hints..
also Vinager and water is good, and I have even heard of coffee being a great stimulant....
If you are nervous about doing it let him or her stick it in and then you do the rest...
If I have to do anal I always do one...
its very cleansing!!
Good luck to you!!