Per ECCIE rules, ECCIE is in no way a part of this M&G.
The M&G is a week away.......June 6th. Starting at 6pm and going til at least 10pm.
As some of y'all know, the rules for the M&G are like "Fight Club," you don't talk about, you don't talk about who was there and no discussion of money/services. You can exchange numbers, its encouraged to do so actually.
Regardless of how you feel about me professionally or personally, this M&G isn't about me, its never been about me. Its always been about bringing people together and having a good time. Its about meeting people who you know are already safe.
Ladies, there will be guys there that are looking to meet never know, one of them could become your next best client. Guys, its your chance to meet some ladies who you might not have thought about spending time with, but once you meet one of could change your mind.
There will be a special guest who is a beauty with blonde hair who wants to see me off in proper style.
I ask that everyone donate $15-20 per person to cover all expenses of the meeting space, food, drinks and cleanup. If there is money leftover, it will be donated to Susan G Koman Foundation for Breast Cancer Research.
Please send me a PM with your name, references and number, just as if you're being screened for a session. Please use the number you're giving me to call me the day of the M&G to find out where the M&G is. I will start taking those calls around 4pm. If you plan on bringing someone, they need to be screened too.
I will have finger foods, corona's, limearita's, water and soda. If you wish to drink wine or hard liquor, you'll need to bring your own please. I'll have ice, cups and stirrers for you though.
I'm hoping to see a lot of folks there!!
Oh and farewell gifts will be accepted. LOL kidding.