Actual height v manufactured height

Budman's Avatar
OK, I will admit upfront that I'm not a fan of really high heels and the stripper shoes are a complete turn-off for me. That being said I want to ask a question.

Why do some providers list their height as "over 6' in heels". Hobbyist do this as well in some cases when describing a provider. If you are 5'8" tall then most here could figure out that you are over 6' in 5" heels. Hell, I'm over 9' tall on stilts. Listing your actual height makes more sense. JMO.
I don't understand it either. I don't mind seeing ladies put their height in with heels as a lot of gents are into that kind of thing but is it too hard to put your natural standing height in as well? I just state both idk why it's so hard to do...
AngeLisa's Avatar
Wow I thought height was Actual....I'm actually 5"4 barefoot
I didn't know they do this
SofaKingFun's Avatar
I used to be scared of heights. Now I'm scared of widths.

