Omaha weather man Jim Flowers addresses rumors regarding "STING"

If any of you caught this on the Todd n Tyler radio show this morning I think you got a good reminder about the problem with rumors.

Local meteorologist, and long time (30 years) tv personality Jim Flowers was on the syndicated Todd n Tyler show this morning and primarily talked about the story that was going around about him being on a list of clients at the Spa bust/sting in Omaha from last year.

One thing to take away from his comments was him relating the story about contacting the police when he was made aware of the rumors on social media. He stated that authorities told him that since people use fake names when going to those kind of places, the authorities don't really put any credence into such list.

He was emphatic about not having any involvement with such a place and I certainly didn't believe any such stories to begin with. Anyway, if you are interested I'm sure you can find a podcast about it, if not a soon to follow news story.

I hope that by talking about a public figure that I have not broken any of the protocol rules for eccie.
If there was any doubt the rumors were false, there is no way Chanel 3 would have hired him as a weather man.
Sure they would have. All they had to do was make up a finely written contract. Free advertising for them, keeps people talking about the station and some would/will tune in just to see what's going to happen.

There are a lot of people who think he's innocent and got the shaft (sort-a-speak) from WOWT.
I am not a fan of Jim Flowers as a TV weatherman. I don't think he is all that good, and he makes some pretty big mistakes on major weather events.
Quantum007's Avatar
Quite frankly, I can't believe that rumor was running as rampant as it was. I don't consider the local weatherman going to a spa to be earth shattering news. If that's the best that Omaha can do as a local celebrity, then we are all in trouble!

I can predict the weather just as much as the weather folks on TV. Whatever they say, I do the opposite.
Actually some of them are pretty good. I really like Jill Gilardy on channel 6, and I like Tyson Persol. Bill Randby does a pretty good job. Most of the time I still go to the NWS web page for the forecast.
I have a crush on Bill Randby. I think its the swimmers built he has.
LayneLaughlin's Avatar
I listened to the podcast and there seemed to be a lot of repetition and nervous laughter on his end. I'm not saying the whole AMP thing did/didn't go down, but SOMETHING happened that was scandalous. WOWT didn't throw the citys most beloved weather man out on his ass after 30 years for no good reason. And no going away party after all his years of service?

Something happened on the way to the forum.

Just my opinion.
In the Broadcasting industry there are unceremonious terminations of talent all the time. It happens nationally and locally. It's all about numbers and money/contracts. If I was on the radio talking about a spa I might be a bit nervous regardless of my experience.

People are going to read into it what they want to. That'll never change.
12blue4u's Avatar
He was also coming up on contract time and was the highest paid in the area.
sdawg's Avatar
  • sdawg
  • 06-04-2013, 06:33 PM
In the Broadcasting industry there are unceremonious terminations of talent all the time. It happens nationally and locally. It's all about numbers and money/contracts. If I was on the radio talking about a spa I might be a bit nervous regardless of my experience.

People are going to read into it what they want to. That'll never change. Originally Posted by mutualpleasur2
He was also coming up on contract time and was the highest paid in the area. Originally Posted by 12blue4u

I'm with you guys. I don't think he'd be denying it if there was smoke behind the fire--it would be too easy to get burned. I think WOWT was just wanting to move in a new direction (happens ALL the time) and dumped him. The affairs of Dame Rumour ensued.
jaja133's Avatar
I heard He is on ch3 now?
Wait till my former boss, neighbor, and father in law find out they were also at the spa.