need help providing proof of income?

[SIZE="5"]I can provide you with paycheck stubs if you need help giving proof of income. This can help you anywhere it may be loans, loans and at a apartment commplex.
I am asking 50/stub. Don't let your proffession hold you back from what you want.

972 853 1975
Gotyour6's Avatar
Or you can google how to make fake pay stubs and counterfeit them yourself.
What could go wrong?
Can you send me a stub that you have made so I can see how they turn out? I am very interested. I need some for getting an apt
Or you can go here and create them yourself:
Kenya Woods's Avatar
I do verification if anyone needs it. Most places require to speak with someone or fax. I have a company name that comes u on google so if they google the number it will show and also the fax with a company logo. pm for more details
As this is fraud, you may not to want to discuss this in an open form.
Funny... a law breaker giving legal advice on this site of all sites.
  • Laz
  • 06-27-2013, 08:35 PM
There are legal ways for a provider to establish income that will allow her to get what she wants. It will take a little time and require fiscal responsibility but is a much better option. It would not surprise me if the penalty for fraud of this nature is not worse than the penalty for prostitution. Be careful of the unnecessary risks.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I am asking 50/stub.
Originally Posted by jessiejeanne

50 bucks a stub is a rip off ... Most "providers" try to help other "providers" when they offer them a service ... you on the other hand are greedy as hell!

Ladies the link below is LEGIT and you can get 4 for $90 from them and they offer "voice verification" as well. You also dont have to worry about typos or mistakes and if the OPs post is any indication of the quality of her work, you will be in trouble.
50 bucks a stub is a rip off ... Most "providers" try to help other "providers" when they offer them a service ... you on the other hand are greedy as hell!

Ladies the link below is LEGIT and you can get 4 for $90 from them and they offer "voice verification" as well. You also dont have to worry about typos or mistakes and if the OPs post is any indication of the quality of her work, you will be in trouble. Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
I can vouch for printstubs
Hi guys!

Does printstubs really work? I want to buy a car and need some financing. I'm a little apprehensive but willing to give it a try if there have been success stories. Anything I need to know before giving it a try? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
