Educational Television

I think that I am finally starting to understand women. I've been watching "Girl Code" on MTV, and I think that I might be starting to understand women.

Hopefully this show will continue on for at least a few more seasons, so I'll be able to fully understand you ladies.

If you get to where you believe you understand women they got you right where they want you. LOL
Helicopter206's Avatar
It only takes a little cash in hand, or large gifts.
Not the one in your pants..
Like vacations (not with you)
Cars, houses, lots of clothes and shoes.
Don't forget the pretty shinny things..
More of the stuff listed above..
Now do have them figured out!!!

malwoody's Avatar
WTF did we do all these years before the "Hooker Whisperer" showed up..?
JS42's Avatar
  • JS42
  • 06-09-2013, 05:51 PM
Hooker Whisperer
So a man is walking along a beach and finds a lamp. Its a little dirty, so he rubs it to clean it off.

*poof* out pops a genie (like you didn't see that coming, right?)

Genie tells him the usual.....I'm a genie, you get any wish you want, yadda, yadda, yadda.

So the man thinks for a moment, and then tells the Genie that he had always wanted to visit Hawaii.

No problem says the Genie. Two first class tickets to Hawaii, best hotels, etc etc, coming right up.

But the guy stops him and explains that he has always been afraid of flying, and couldn't he find some other way to get him to Hawaii.

Sure says the Genie, first class accommodations on a cruise line, coming right up.

No, no says the guy. I'm afraid of water too. So he asks the Genie if he could build him a bridge to Hawaii.

No way says the Genie. The labor costs involved, the materials needed. There's just no way. Impossible. So the Genie tells the guy that if he can't fly to Hawaii, or go by boat, then he will just have to think of another wish.

The guy thinks for a while. Finally he says, "Well, I've always wanted to understand women. What they want, what they think, how they feel, why the act the way they do."

The Genie slaps his forehead in frustration and finally says "Do you want that bridge one lane or two?"
Two please I might not want to stay.