Good Idea or Bad Idea Help Me Here Guy's ??

Hi Jackson, Ms.,

Sitting here lonely bored silly here in Shreveport and my mind started to pounder... If I was to wake up and say bye to Shreveport in the morning and come out to Jackson, Ms. would that be a good idea or a bad idea???

Need your ideas A.S.A.P.

Thanks Everyone, Miss Melissa
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Jackson, hell, you should come to the Coast! I know, Jackson is closer.

I think girls usually do better in the Jackson Area during the week rather than the weekends to be honest. Just from what I have gathered a lot of the business travelers are gone by Friday and don't come back til Monday or Tuesday. Sure there are a few of us locals that play, but just depends on timing for me. It's actually easier for some of us "tied down" hobbyist to get away during the week cuz on the weekend it's usually time for "quality family time". And unless there is some special event on the weekends, Jackson tends to be a little quiet on the weekends in relation to playing.

But that's just my opinion, anyone feel free to offer a contrary point of view lol
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar

If you do visit Jackson, stay outside of Hinds County - that means either north or east of the city - Ridgeland is north, and Pearl is east.

I would love for you to come to Hattiesburg.

Big AL
I guess I will go and see.....
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar

Your ads suggest that you're here in MS, but it says Dallas all week and weekend. Are you in MS? Jackson?

I vote coast or in both.................
I vote coast or in both................. Originally Posted by Victor
I will second that !!

Big AL
Coast sounds good.
When You Are Ready's Avatar
Have fun and be safe wherever you go.

Yea I just made it home... It does not look good having problems with the transmission it will not go out of over drive.. So I made the big decision of coming back home... Thanks goodness I had a friend with a tow truck to get me back home.... I will try back in a few weeks after I get my car fix.. Sorry for all the trouble I am just not good with cars...
I am glad you were able to,get back home.
There is nothing like good friends when you need one.

Big AL