Carter C. Hull, the Washington-based Internal Revenue Service lawyer who oversaw improper targeting of tea party groups, is a registered Democrat.

Hull, a resident of Silver Spring, Maryland, is a registered Democrat, according to the Real Voters Database.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The Obamaton meme is that Shulman was selected by Bush and therefore he was a republican. They want to forget that his wife Susan Anderson was a member of Occupy and an anti-Tea party group. Yes, she is a radical liberal and Shulman is a donor to the DNC. Doesn't sound like he is a republican does it?
Interesting as this morning It was a manager in the IRS and another who started it and the manager is a conservative republican..
I B Hankering's Avatar
Former IRS Commissioner Douglas H. Shulman’s testimony that he deliberately kept himself in the dark about the tax service’s brewing scandal runs counter to the responsibilities of agency heads regardless of whether they are political appointees, some government analysts said....

“When we talk about the continuity of government, we’re talking about the functioning of government and the best way possible,” said Jennifer Marsico, a senior researcher in government at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington. “In spite of being a political appointee, your job is to do your job. … Keeping yourself in the dark doesn’t seem like the best way to fulfill justice.”

Mr. Shulman’s stance became even more tangled when it emerged from Federal Election Commission records that he and his wife contributed to the Democratic National Committee and to Democratic candidates in the years before Mr. Bush named him to head this IRS. Mr. Shulman, then a top executive in a financial industry trade group, gave $500 to the DNC in 2007, and his wife contributed to the campaigns of Democratic presidential nominee John F. Kerry in 2004 and Rep. Donna F. Edwards, Maryland Democrat, two years later.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Eva has a hard a rock.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Bush made the mistake of appointing individuals from the other side in an attempt to appease the left. Now we can see that Bush fucked up yet again.
Bush was a fuck up; and Obama has doubled down on Bush.