the world doesn't need to be saved

First of all, Amazing amazing movie. Man of steel. if you haven't seen it yet will blow you away. I actually felt the beam of energy sitting inside that theater. I normally am sensitive just emotionally with movie projections, but never affected energetically. Well at least not since I can remember

But kudos to the director producer ....most advanced movie ever made. If you can create something where it just beams raw power've mastered the creation ability of god

In my close dreams, I fantasize to be able to produce such art one day. And possibly I will get the chance. Meanwhile, I'll just have to stick to low budget masterpieces

Now it gets into the philosophy part .....aww by now you know I can't leave that out!

So there is a recurring theme, Ufo's & the world being saved
ever since the beginning of civilization as far back as we know it

Do you ever wonder why

Is it programmed in our genes

Why does the world always look for a savior

Doesn't can't the world see ....the power is already inside. each of us.

Stop looking to the outside to fix your problems, stop handing over your power to false prophets. Look inside

I find it highly ironic the huge S=hope symbol on "superman" ahem Super mankind chest is ....well it represents the heart. They got that right. Sometimes the answers are in front of you

Open up the heart

Peace out!
I haven't seen this movie, but I know the Superman Story. It's not about saving anything, it's more about strength. There are two kinds of strength, the outer strength is obvious. It fades with age and succumbs to sickness. Then there is the " Chi" the inner strength. Everyone possesses it too, but it's indeed much more difficult to develop. The inner strength lasts through every heat and every cold, through old age and beyond. That's what your movie is really about. Our inner abilities, our inner wanting's. It was portrayed through physical power and saving unfortunates. So you're right the world doesn't need saving, but we do, and it can only happen internally.

LexusLover's Avatar
This thread belongs in the political forum .. it is not a movie review. It's politics.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Either way, its was started in the Sandbox. Work with it within the rules here.
pyramider's Avatar
They should have shown Lois Lane's taint.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Whenever a comic book movie is compared to the creative abilities of God, the world needs some saving, yes.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Funny I didn't see any politics and I know politics. I have also seen the movie. I did like Batman 3 better and I was first in line to see Christopher Reeve prove that a man could fly when it opened. This was missing that. The theater darkened and the movie began. The crowd was silent as the overture began and then whoosh!, the big S was on the screen. A chill ran through the crowd and we applauded and cheered.

Superman has always been pure. At least he was 30 + years ago. Like John Wayne there was no doubt in what he thought was right and wrong. He always chose right and he always took action. Of course he always had the power to take action but even after he met his first bit of kryptonite Superman never deviated from the right path. I'm not sure we always look for saviors but there always seems to be a reticence among normal people when they find out that they are the hero we've been waiting for. Only the twisted embrace the idea that they are the "chosen" one.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-20-2013, 06:37 PM
This thread belongs in the political forum .. it is not a movie review. It's politics. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Have you been smoking some strange stuff recently? Or is your tongue firmly embedded in your cheak?

Philosophy maybe. Sociology maybe. But politics? Do you anticipate superman will be on the ballot any time soon?

What is wrong with having an intelligent conversation on here that is somewhat protected from the mud of the political forum? I think it's nice, regardless of what part Clark Kent is registered with.
Secret_Amore's Avatar
Dude I saw the movie. plot holes and there wasn't even any kryptonite! WTF??? besides superman was basically an reenactment of the story of the fall of lucifer there were just SO many parallels. I mean they made him Freakin 33! and lois lane...I would have been just as happy if she randomly got sucked away into a black hole. I like the Lois is the Smallville series She was Kick Ass and Smart.

lets see General Zod = Lucifer tried to rebel gets punished locked always comes back ad tries to destroy all mankind because God/Jesus loves mankind

Superman(33) = Jesus(33 son of God who banished Lucifer) tries to save mankind but mankind act like a bunch of assholes and still want to crucify him anyway.

Kal-El mean son of Jar-El

and then on top of that the entire movie was a bit melodramatic.

so my point STAR TREK > Superman

heck even IronMan was better and I LOVED Iron Man
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
They should have shown Lois Lane's taint. Originally Posted by pyramider
Taint would surely have improved the movie. The first half was nothing but flashbacks and flash forwards leading to a CGI/sound effects beat down in the second half. I give it a lower rating than this years Iron Man.
i always loved the red headed lana lang

where was she?

Mr. Mxyzptlk where was he? oh yeah hiding in the political forum under the nick WTF
Attached Images File Type: jpg mr mxyzptlk.jpg (17.8 KB, 43 views)

Man of steel.
it will blow you away.
I actually felt the beam of energy inside
affected energetically.
not since I can remember
it just beams raw power ....
mastered the ability of god
I fantasize - one day
And possibly I will get the chance.
the power is inside. Originally Posted by Zabrina Sarafina
Hell fire. Is this about a movie or one of Wakeup's erections?


Old Dingus
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
There is always a group of people who are looking for a savior. They will overlook many faults, some fatal, if they get the promises that make them feel better. Here it comes....Barack Obama.
christylynn's Avatar
this thread made me want to see man of steel more thanks zabrina sarafina
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-28-2013, 02:23 PM
Funny I didn't see any politics and I know politics. I have also seen the movie. I did like Batman 3 better and I was first in line to see Christopher Reeve prove that a man could fly when it opened. This was missing that. The theater darkened and the movie began. The crowd was silent as the overture began and then whoosh!, the big S was on the screen. A chill ran through the crowd and we applauded and cheered.

Superman has always been pure. At least he was 30 + years ago. Like John Wayne there was no doubt in what he thought was right and wrong. He always chose right and he always took action. Of course he always had the power to take action but even after he met his first bit of kryptonite Superman never deviated from the right path. I'm not sure we always look for saviors but there always seems to be a reticence among normal people when they find out that they are the hero we've been waiting for. Only the twisted embrace the idea that they are the "chosen" one. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

JD knows what?