At the Suggestion of ST. Christopher, the board owner

Ranchhand's Avatar
It all started when I found out about this member from another respected member of this board. I am going to try and not name any names. This guy that was recruiting ladies for his benifit contacted me to help him. I hated the idea of pimps and always will. I was accused of being a pimp on this board so on the advice of the owner St. Chris I will tell my side of the story.
After the guy contacted me, I gave it some thought and decided to see what I could do to stop him in this area. My idea was to meet with the ladies he recruited and let them know that they did not have to pay anyone to be a member of this board. The guy developed a trust in me so it worked really great for a while. When the story broke, this guy told another member of this board that there were 20 to 30 girls involved. Actually there were only 4, before he wised up and found that I really wasnt helping him. Hell there arent 30 girls in this area and never has been. He would tell the girls that if they signed up with him that sex would be free for me and him. He would start them out at 175 per hour of which he would take 75 per appt. for the first 2 weeks. After that he would raise their prices and only take 50 out of each of their appointments. Thats the background, now to the story.
1st girl: She contacted me and I met with her. I helped her set up her account on Eccie and Her e-mail and her Phone number. I told her that she didnt have to pay anyone anything, that this site was free. I showed her how to advertise on here and how to set up her showcase. I told her that when someone contacted her, if she wanted she could run their name by me, and I would tell her if the guy was safe to see or not. This is what I told every girl I met, so I wont be repeating this part.
The girl lasted 2 days. She didnt have any money and asked if I would front her for a hotel room till she got on her feet, which I did. She did pay me back for the first hotel room. She got a lot of requests from B/CS and wanted to go there. I made her a reservation for $90 and she made the trip. Unfortunately she got sick on the way and had no appts. The next day she called me and told me she couldnt do this any longer, and I never got all my money back.
2nd Girl: Same as the first except she didnt need any money from me. She lasted 1 day and 1 night, then took a vacation out of state, and I never heard from her again.
3rd Girl: This is where the problem started. The guy came down from the Arlington area and stayed with her for 3 days. When he left she called me and told me that he had left and taken all her money, and would I help her. Unfortunately he met with her before I ever got a chance to talk to her. So I went to meet her and she asked if I would pay for her hotel room till she could get on her feet. I knew she was capable of making money so I paid for 3 nights at a pretty nice motel. Now I dont know if the guy took all her money or not as I found out after I met her that she was addicted to a legal drug that you can get at any head shop. It made her completely nuts, but she wouldnt get off it. It is very expensive and she was spending a inordinate amount of money on it. She told one guy she met that she needed a tip because I was taking half her money. She is still on this substance and its going to kill her if she doesnt get off it. I didnt recover my cost of the motel room with her.
Last Girl: She contacted me and wanted to meet. She knew completely how the operation worked. All the girls sent pictures to the guy in charge which he forwarded to me. I got her set up and this is where I made my biggest mistake. She brought a bottle of wine to the meeting and got a little tipsy. After I got her set up, I asked her if she wanted to "Play". She said yes and we did. I did not pay her the 175 but offered to pay her at a later date. 2 days later she called me and asked me if I would help her screen, because she was overwhelmed by all the calls and texts. She offered to pay me $25 for each guy. I told her I would help her but I would not accept any money. Then she quit contacting me. I texted her several time, probably too many and asked her to get in touch with me, but she didnt. I didnt see anything about her on the board, so I was worried. My biggest mistake, I e-mailed the pictures of her that she sent to the manager to her e-mail address with the message "thought you might like these" She got pissed and contacted a member of this local board, and a ex sugar daddy she had in Austin. Both members thought I was threatening her which in no way was true. I was just trying to get her to contact me.
I never at any time took ANY money for my services to ANY of the girls. That my friends is the WHOLE story and the TRUE story, and I admit I should have just stayed away from this guy completely, but thats water under the bridge and I cant change it. If this is what ruins my reputation on this board then so be it. I dont regret what I did, I just regret that in this whole matter, I did lose a board friend, and he knows who he is. P.S. This whole point is that not one of these girls ever paid a penny to me or the manager, so I dont think what I did was a bad thing, but everyone is entitled to their opinion and their judgement.
Your story has NO CRED without the names of the 4 ladies you pimped/protected so we can hear their story. I gots $100 that says you won’t name their names because you don’t want the “truth” to come out. We shall sees though. We shall sees.Boys get your big bag of popcorn the wait will be long.
Ladies, if Ranch was your pimp or savior, you owes it to yourselves to say something one way or the other.... I know what the rumors are.... if you don't spell it out, the guys are talking about you anyway and wondering.
Buckskin's Avatar
Seems like RANCH has been pretty stable up until this mess. I am willing to give benefit of doubt but I don't have many creds here but I have had some rough times in life and the benefit of doubt goes a long ways. Would like to know the whole story but I don't have a real pony in the race so guess what I say may not amount to much.
There are two sides to every story. Thanks for giving yours Ranch.

qwik101's Avatar
not a single person in here should judge anyone for how bout them spurs......
Buckskin's Avatar
not a single person in here should judge anyone for how bout them spurs...... Originally Posted by qwik101
Amen brother!
... and the Spurs rock!
Ranch are you looking for this to be a question and answer session/everyone speculate and give their opinions or just to get your side out?
Ranchhand's Avatar
Actually it was just for information purposes because of accusation that was made about me that ruined my credibility as a mod. As far as questions and answers, I dont mind answering anything as long as it doesnt involve names. I have already been threatened by one member of this board, who knows my real name and all about my family. I have nothing and I mean nothing to hide. As far as opinions, I know everyone will have one and I already admitted I did wrong by getting involved with this guy, but I did stop him from getting a foot hole in this area. P.S. I agree about them Spurs.
Gotcha Ranch and hope this route serves its purpose.

Also, if the threat is real and true, I hope they don't pan out.

Don't know if you've read the thread in Austin labeled "Anonymity" (think its in coed)....think you would probably have some useful insight to add to that thread.
Ranchhand's Avatar
The threat is definately real and true. The threat was made to me by text, so I have to be very careful about what I say, thats why I cant reveal hobby names. If I could I would. There is a prominent member of the board that knows where the threat is coming from, but I doubt very seriously if he will chime in on this thread. Dont get me wrong on this, I am in no way afraid of this guy, its just that he could easily cause my family embarassment. As I said I am willing to answer any questions.
Guest062716's Avatar
I dropped off the board a few years ago, after threats were made to my life. I took it serious at the time. (As a mod, I had reprimanded a member who threatened to out another member and was not backing down from that position). The member knew my real name and address. Nothing came out of the threat, but I did stay quiet for a while.

That member eventually disappeared from the board, presumably for good.

There are all kinds of people in the world. The hobby is no exception.

Use a hobby phone, avoid outcalls to your home, take a cab the last block, or borrow a car for an incall (to prevent you plates from being run) cover your tracks, because you never know who is looking over who's shoulder.

Treat one another with respect, but don't share too much personal info.

All of that aside, how about them spurs?!?! and Coach Popovich?!?!
Swordmaster69's Avatar
Very good info ole sarge !!
Ranchhand's Avatar
The member that threatened me said that he was leaving the board but unfortunately for me he hasnt. There are two people on this board that know my real name. One of them is someone I respected, and would reveal anything about myself. At one time I felt he was a very good friend, I really dont know our relationship now. We still communicate, but it doesnt seem the same as it once was. The other is someone that was out to ruin me, and at the time they both collaborated to do so, and were successful in accomplishing that. Im not putting the blame on anyone except myself, I did what I did, and at that time and still at this time dont believe I did anything bad. I am pissed at only one person because he brought forth so much information that were outright lies, but the consensus seemed to believe him. He is the one that has threatened me, and he has the money to back up his threat. I am not on here looking for sympathy, I just want the truth be told.