Thinking About Adding On To My Handle

Due to there being another Allie Kat on the site which several people have sent PM's to thinking they were contacting me, I'm thinking about changing my handle to 'Allie_Kat_KC' or some variation thereof.
What do you think?
I like KC_Allie, or something like that. Drop the Kat.
malwoody's Avatar
Due to there being another Allie Kat on the site which several people have sent PM's to thinking they were contacting me, I'm thinking about changing my handle to 'Allie_Kat_KC' or some variation thereof.
What do you think? Originally Posted by Allie_Kat

MalsurewouldliketoseeAllieKatn akedWoody.....

What do you think??
ElumEno's Avatar
Now who would ever mistake you for someone else?
I say you have to keep the Kat... I kind of like KC_Allie_Kat myself.

Because lets face it... You are the one and only Kansas City Allie Kat.
I like kc_allie too, but for some reason I always liked "." better than "_"
I don't know if that is allowed or not but maybe KC.Allie or KC.AllieKat
KC.AllieKat is good, my e-mail is kc_alliekat.
Due to there being another Allie Kat on the site which several people have sent PM's to thinking they were contacting me, I'm thinking about changing my handle to 'Allie_Kat_KC' or some variation thereof.
What do you think? Originally Posted by Allie_Kat
Rather than adding to your handle, how about subtracting from your backside?
Rather than adding to your handle, how about subtracting from your backside? Originally Posted by NoahScape

Now if only some of the fat on my butt would relocate to my breasts...
Wishful thinking.
Now if only some of the fat on my butt would relocate to my breasts...
Wishful thinking.
Originally Posted by Allie_Kat
Use what ya got to your best advantage.

I wouldn't change an established contact system.
Use what ya got to your best advantage.

I wouldn't change an established contact system. Originally Posted by NoahScape
This is true, thank you for your advice.
Can't doctors suck the fat out of an ass and inject in boobs?
Rodneykc's Avatar
KC.AllieKat is good, your e-mail is kc_alliekat.
I like "KansasAllieKat"

and in a tagline

"The Kitty with the nicest Booty!"
I thought you were good the way you were. At least when I saw you..Merci beaucoup!!! perfection.
pmdelites's Avatar
if you know you are always going to be in this area or you want to always be "tagged" w/ the kansas city area, then add "KC" to your handle, email, website, etc.

otherwise, i suggest keeping cities out of handles.
but, it's your handle and your business.

btw, i tell you, something is weird in eccie land.
last week, i posted my 6999th eccie post (according to eccie database).

since then, i havent made a single post!!

then today, i look at my profile and i am at "Posts: 7,000"??

who the fuck knows......
maybe it's the batshits! :^)
or the lack of pussy? :^)