Reading females

Jasser's Avatar
In high school and college, I was great a reading females; not so much these days. Here is a scenario for the ladies...

You are work (normal job in an office atmosphere). Your co-workers aren't exactly "competition" in terms of looks, in fact most are a lot older than you (older in regards to how you think). Everyone dresses pretty normal, almost according to a 1950's era.

You, on the other hand, try to dress a little more up to date. Here is the kicker, if you come in to work one day and you have a nice dress, new hairstyle, and even showing some legs. Are you just trying to look cute? Are you trying to be noticed?

I think this is where most of us get mixed signals. Some of us, more perverted and sex driven guys, will think you are trying to get noticed; like you want us to notice you. You look hotter/sexier than usual so we naturally notice you. Some of us will act on that assumption and a lot of times, it will blow up in our face. We thought you wanted us to notice and act on it, when in reality, you just thought the outfit looked cute.

Do we (guys) just get it wrong because we are so sex driven and have only thing on our mind or do you really want to be noticed by guys, even if you won't admit it?

There is a lady that works with me and she is closer to my age than other female here. She is married with kids and seems to be a religious person. However, there are times she will come to work looking really sexy. (ALERT, I'm about to get really perverted here). Yes, I check her out, especially her ass (big country bubble booty) and she always wears thongs (told ya I was perverted).

Just wondering what goes through the mind of the average woman. Do the guys really get it wrong or are you trying to be noticed even you won't admit it?

Perverted minds wanna know.
Lana Warren's Avatar
Absolutely we want to be noticed by men! Hell, I'm single and trying to catch a brain ain't gonna catch one, so I need to show off the girls a little bit more!
Guest062512's Avatar
The best way to read a lady: Braille ::GRIN::

Seriously, you have to be VERY careful in the workplace. The slightest impropriety can go on your record as harrassment. Be subtle, apply compliments, subtle questions. I may not be YOU she looking to impress.

e.g. Wow, you look particularly nice today. Anything special??? If she says something like, "I'm going to a funeral" or "I have an interview" then smile and leave another compliment like, "well you look good".

If she starts to flirt with something like "oh really? You like?" (flounce, fluff) Then the door is open.

However if you stare at her cleavage and say, "Wow, nice tits. That dress really looks good on you." You're probably going nowhere (unless she really does have the hots for YOU.)

Be careful, though, office flirting could really mess up your career.
Jasser's Avatar
Yes, but you (Lana) are single. The mystery is with the married "good" girls. Also, I wanted to add to the "thong" wearing and we get mixed signals with that. I see someone who always wears a thong and I think "giggity, she's freaky". In reality, she is thinking "I only wear them so you can't see my panty line".

Now, imagine yourself in this lady's position. You are married, you have two kids, you are a christian. You aplogoize when you cuss. You have a Jesus wallpaper on your computer.

When you wear sexy clothes, are you wanting to be noticed? When you wear thongs, are you trying to feel sexy or is it a panty line thing? Are you really a freak that wants to get it in the breakroom, but you know that it is wrong so you lie to yourself and act like a good little Jesus fearing good girl because that is how you are "supposed" to be?
pmdelites's Avatar
and some women wonder why our brains are usually in our pants!!!
Lana Warren's Avatar
I would say most married women want to be noticed because things have become stale in their marriage and they need to feel desirable again! I know, I went through the same thing! Even though we may be prim and proper doesn't mean that deep down inside, there's an animal waiting to be unleashed!

Since you said that she is closer to your age, could it be that she just might feel the same attraction to you, Jasser?
Jasser's Avatar
Since you said that she is closer to your age, could it be that she just might feel the same attraction to you, Jasser? Originally Posted by Lana Warren
Not likely. Compared to her husband, we are complete opposites. He is a tall, older cowboy that seems like your pretty average, "straight as an arrow" country boy. I'm the shorter, Latino that with holes in my jeans, american eagle shirt, and polo boots, lol.

As a side note, no I'm not trying to be trendy with the holes in my jeans. The small hole started from regular wear and tear. The hole enlarged when I was putting on my jeans one morning and big toe got stuck in the hole...RIIIIP.
Lana Warren's Avatar
Sweetheart, you still don't get it! Even if a good girl has a good man, she still wants a bad boy! Nothing wrong with a little innocent flirting.....go for it, make her day!
Jasser's Avatar
Sweetheart, you still don't get it! Even if a good girl has a good man, she still wants a bad boy! Nothing wrong with a little innocent flirting.....go for it, make her day! Originally Posted by Lana Warren
You said a mouthful when you said "you still don't get it". I've read females wrong before so that explains my hesitation.

I will take a chance here though to see what kind of reaction I get, without pushing the limits of sexual harrassment of course.

Maybe something like "damn lady, that ass is bumpin in that sexy ass dress you have on today....and those legs! You, my lady, are a peach and I can eat a peach for hours"

I don't see the problem with women dressing to be noticed or to impress. I'm going to notice a woman that's not dressed frumpy before one that is. Men can be just as (if not more) vain as women when it comes to their appearance. Let some guy lose 20 or 30 pounds and he's ready to pull on the speedos and have his shirt unbuttoned down to the gold "Stud" medallion he bought right after Saturday NIght Fever came out.

We have an enforced dress code in our office (men in suits, women in business attire, no jeans, t-shirts, etc...) and it's always refreshing to see the women sharply dressed. If they want to do some harmless flirting that's fine too. Makes me feel that I don't work in Slob Heaven.
Lana Warren's Avatar
You said a mouthful when you said "you still don't get it". I've read females wrong before so that explains my hesitation.

I will take a chance here though to see what kind of reaction I get, without pushing the limits of sexual harrassment of course.

Maybe something like "damn lady, that ass is bumpin in that sexy ass dress you have on today....and those legs! You, my lady, are a peach and I can eat a peach for hours"

Kidding. Originally Posted by Jasser
LMAO! Just don't make into an HR nightmare!
Jasser's Avatar
I don't see the problem with women dressing to be noticed or to impress. I'm going to notice a woman that's not dressed frumpy before one that is. Men can be just as (if not more) vain as women when it comes to their appearance. Let some guy lose 20 or 30 pounds and he's ready to pull on the speedos and have his shirt unbuttoned down to the gold "Stud" medallion he bought right after Saturday NIght Fever came out.

We have an enforced dress code in our office (men in suits, women in business attire, no jeans, t-shirts, etc...) and it's always refreshing to see the women sharply dressed. If they want to do some harmless flirting that's fine too. Makes me feel that I don't work in Slob Heaven. Originally Posted by txcwby6
I don't see a problem with it either. The mystery is the intention of the females. What we (guys) assume isn't always reality.

If I cut the holes out of my croch and let my balls hang out, it's because I want a female to notice them, then suck'em; not to just because they breathe better.

I will use my wife as an example. She always wears thongs, has a little twist in her walk that makes her shake side to side (she has a nice bubble booty), always fixes her hair nice and does her makeup.

If most of you guys seen her walking your way, you would notice and think that wants to be noticed. You would notice she is wearing a thong and she is walking with a twist so you would think "damn, this girl is a freak and she is trying to get my attention". WRRRROOOONG! She has the sex drive of a 2x4. She wears thongs to avoid panty lines and dresses cute because she likes the way a certain outfit looks.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Well, if you misread her even slightly in today's corporate workplace and you could wind up at the TEC waiting for your check. In today's world you don't know, she could just think the outfit is cute, she could be trying to attract a man, she could be trying to attract a woman. And you'd better know the right move before you make it. Gonzo likes the refined but direct approach outside the office, but not at work. I see 'em, I like 'em, I want to fuck 'em, but they'll never know it. I need my job.
Gonzo is right. Many women are just looking for a reason to turn you into HR. I was one of a few men that worked in an office full of women. We had to constantly watch for that "trap". Proceed with great caution, my friend.
Lana Warren's Avatar
Yep, stay away from that one......come flirt with me! I'll gladly accept it! LOL!