Sexxi Sarah Stink?

MisterSir's Avatar
This is Sarah's Ad:

Girl looks TGTBT and says she is reviewed. Here are her reviews:


Both are first time reviews and first posts, one "member" is brand new the other has a start date of 2011. Both reviews fail to list website or email (email is common, but website is not). Both give a physical description that is positive but vague. The ROS is incredibly vague on both, being no more than two sentence on either and containing an emoticon each. Both reviews read less like reviews and more like backpage ads given in first person and past tense.

I'm going to risk calling foul on this one. This all all the earmarks of someone gaming the system.
Helicopter206's Avatar
"Girl looks TGTBT and says she is reviewed".

Off her BP ad, I sent her a request to read her reviews.
I never heard back from her as to what site her reviews were posted on.
So everything looks really Fake about this Girl.
all different people. I google searched the images and found out who the actual females are. Their real names, their real twitters. I cant post the links I dont think because the ladies real names are involved. Not sure if that is allowed or not, but I found atleast 3 different females for 3 of the pics and I haven't even searched them all yet.
MisterSir's Avatar
Destiny the Investigator! That's hot baby. you're giving me a semi.
all different people. I google searched the images and found out who the actual females are. Their real names, their real twitters. I cant post the links I dont think because the ladies real names are involved. Not sure if that is allowed or not, but I found atleast 3 different females for 3 of the pics and I haven't even searched them all yet. Originally Posted by DestinyInKC