How To Make Your Business Work For You( Instead of you working for it)... Choosing Your Marketing Assistance In The Industry! My Commitment To You!

I know you are looking at this and thinking I don't want to read all that !... but I hope you do.

Certainly If you feel you don't need help then don't....... your time is valuable.


Retired Provider Owned & Operated. ~
Experience That Gives A Keen Understanding Of The Business.

Magnific Media was born of the need for the Not So Tech Savvy Provider or the New To The Biz Provider, and even the Busy Established Professional w/o enough time, to find help, instruction and assistance in advertising, promoting and representing herself in such a way to attract the right client ..Not just any client, THE RIGHT CLIENT. What burns a provider out the fastest... It's called the Client Mill. Sure it takes a while to build repeat business in any environment but the key to doing that the fastest in this business is to attract and then take great care of the right one from the start!

In addition to doing this Magnific Media ​offers Personality and Personal Escort Style Inspired Web Design ( not cookie cutter) in a user friendly platform where YOU get to choose how much involvement you wish to have after the site is produced. Magnific Media​ will happily turn over the reins and even instruct you on how to maintain your site. Or we are happy to do so for you. Unlike so many web designers where the webmaster controls your site even after you have bought and paid for the site.

In addition to site creation based on you and attracting your best client we assist with SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Ads on all boards and Escort advert websites. Our Sister Company The Courtesan Concierge​ offers Screening Assistance or Instruction, AS NEEDED Phone and Email Assistance (Full time or while you vacation or just anytime you need a break)Moderate Photo Retouching and Watermarking. *** New Provider or New Persona Start Up instruction and assistance and more. All at the most reasonable prices!

Contact Tia Thompson Today to get started 713-793-6400.............


First and foremost I am completely retired from the escort business and have no plans to return. I am now in my late 50s and this will be what I don until I can't sit at the computer or remember how to type...LOL

What this means for you is I am 100% committed to your success as a provider. I am not doing this while still trying to promote my provider business. Not That there is anything wrong with that. Please understand I started while I was in the provider side as many are doing now. Certainly it makes a great exit plan for leaving the business if you have a passion for it like I do. Marketing was a career choice when I worked in the mainstream work force ( along with a few other fun creative career choices thru the years). I have a degree in Business & Marketing and an associates in Culinary arts. What I have done is combined my 30+ years of education, mainstream experience and provider experience to give you access some excellent skill sets to further and grow your business.

Back to the subject at hand....But I can say much like it was for me, when I did still provide it could be a disadvantage to the marketing clients when your own business of providing calls for your attention. There were times it was hard to balance that. I worked many long hours because I knew this was my exit plan and how I would earn my living until I could not anymore. I was provider by day and marketing person by nite...late nights! It's was not therapy, it's was not a hobby for me. I knew IT IS HOW I WOULD EARN MY LIVING 100% VERY SOON. The good news is 3years later Magnific Media and myself are now past that stage and completely able to be totally committed to you!
This is a business where so many are taken advantage of because the concept of discretion is use to shroud deceptive agendas. Along with that commitment comes transparency..What I mean by that is you will know me... who I am... where I live. My clients usually become my friends and like family in many cases. I cannot ask you to put your livlihood in my hands and yet hide behind board handles, meet in clandestine places and such.

So that being said......Back to making you a success!

I believe the key to truly enjoying this as a profession is to attract the right client for you. Don't let yourself get caught up in what I call "The Client Mill"

...Having to see lots of clients hoping that every so often you'll really click with one. Or what I often refer to as having to kiss alot of frogs( not that clients are frogs) to find a prince( meaning the right client for you)....

It will burn you out, make you cynical. Don't you want to develop a client base, especially repeat clients, that you truly enjoy seeing and spending time with? Clients that don't haggle, that will treat you with respect, call ahead for appointments and understand your time is as valuable as theirs, clients that buy you nice gifts as well as giving a generous donation, ones that write rave reviews ( if you want reviews) and will be loyal.

Have you ever wondered what make some gals able to get four, five and six hundred and hour or have minimums of two to four hours? It starts with attracting the right client and it ends with you believing you are worth it and making sure your client feels you are worth it too.
I have learned through the years in order to accomplish these things it takes a combination of efforts, practices, and most importantly representing yourself in the right way. I can show you how.

Magnific Media can help you by...

~ building a professional (yet sexy) image over the phone, in person, in your ads and in your web presence
~ teaching you smart & productive internet marketing
~ writing ad copy that will allow you to make more money but do fewer appointments
~ show you how to streamline your business and work it like a business
~ by showing you organizational skills to use as a provider
~ proven screening tips
~ and show you money & time saving tips and so much more.

Magnific Media...Your Best Tool....{well almost~ wink...}​

All The Best,​

Some of my recent website work

Some recent Graphic work

Need a beautiful new banner?

Or Avatar

Hey I guess I could PM you but I was looking to all your work and it remembered me I want a banner like Isabella's... and where my ad is?

Thank you for all you help while in Houston ...I will be back soon and we go to another Brasil Steak House!
You are so welcome.. It was fun and I look forward to it...Look in the DC local. hon..

If you meant this sorry... I do love this one
See My Summer Special!!!
How would you like to double your weekly income?
Ask Me how.....

713 793 6400
Magnific media your inbox is full
Magnific media your inbox is full Originally Posted by zoebee
all fixed ...sorry..
Oops nevermind the number worked I texted instead of called at first.
I'm going to call tomorow
I am looking forward to chatting Sunshine!
I will PM my private number too

Oops nevermind the number worked I texted instead of called at first.
I'm going to call tomorow Originally Posted by sunshinelovely69
I am offering a free photo shoot from Captiv8 photography with purchase of an ad packages. That's like a $200-$300 value..... and you get amazing ads with amazing results like these.

See My Summer Special!!! Originally Posted by MagnificMedia
Summer is slipping away!