If you do something that you cannot share openly with your SO...or will make her feel betrayed after you tell her, it is cheating/lying.
Originally Posted by samantha thom
Well this gives me a bit of pause... so every time I have find the evidence of secret shopping trip or new shoe binge I can call it cheating?
My feelings on the cheating or not topic require more information;
Is this a blowjob from a secret girlfriend or someone you have or are building a long running relationship with? If yes then yeah I would call it cheating.
If it is just a release then I would call it masturbation level 100; in the end it is virtually the same result just requires an extra person or two. I doubt anyone feels the need to come clean to the SO about the tug-o-war session they had to porn.
---> Of course this is just the logic of a guy on an escort board so real world results may vary