"Accidental" On Purpose Pregnancies


>> More than 13 years ago, I got pregnant. At the time, I was finishing school and just beginning my career. My boyfriend "Ben" and I had been dating seriously for a few years. We had talked about marriage and children but hadn't decided on when that would be. Ben assumed the pregnancy was a birth control failure. I told other people that it was an "unplanned but welcome surprise.” I never told another person this, but my pregnancy wasn't an accident at all. I stopped taking birth control pills because I wanted to have a child. ... <<

Anyone here wanna 'fess up?
Bigstk01's Avatar
So.. Is he still around or are you now collecting child support?
Big mistake.. Having a kids is not like wanting a dog.
MUST be mutually agreed and prepared to raise one or two.
PSW1995's Avatar
Ah yes, the" I am gonna keep my man baby".... I see women trick their boyfriends all the time. I just recently had a friend do that. That shit disgusts me. Bitches looking for a man to marry them or take care of them because they decided once again to have another baby. The ooopps surprise baby is bullshit. Bringing a baby into this world with no further thought about them. It is selfish and there is something wrong with women who act this way.