Aphrodite 'Your Gypsy Goddess' has new pictures and will be traveling to the 'home country'...

...to learn new and exotic love making techniques

My travels will take me to a distant land where they fly the colors of: Green and Gold, where they eat exotic delicacies called, "Cheese Curds" and beer flows like milk and honey...
My quest, is to renew my inner being and restore balance to my feminine goddess core. Much time will be devoted to learning new techniques of pleasuring men and awakening their inner 'warrior'. Yes, I may indulge in this golden liquid they call beer...for research purposes only.

In the mean time, I have been blessed with new photos that demonstrate my soft, feminine self...sensual yet, discreet. Please feel free to peruse them at your leisure.

I will be gone for two weeks ( 9th - 17th) so, if you have contemplated reaching out to me, please reach out now so that I don't have to answer many emails explaining why I am unavailable...
I will miss being around...but, I hear tales of the weather being 20 degrees cooler.


Aphrodite - your gypsy goddess of all that is warm, fuzzy and non fattening

fun2come's Avatar
You're a Down Underer??? Did I guess that right?
Either way: Happy Travels to you and Have a beer for me !
TxMustang's Avatar
Have a safe trip and drink a Beer for us!