Let me begin by saying I always thought I would just quietly fade away and those who knew me would know how to continue to reach me, but now that option has been taken away. Thanks to TheOriginalDannie for throwing around my name when she got outed someone apparently decided to teach me a lesson about something I Had absolutely NOTHING to do with.
We were once close friends until she chose to attack me over several days for "trying to make her look bad" concerning her rift with Miss Priss and Tara. If it seemed that way it was not at all my intentions.I apologize again!
I previously gave an apology and made effort to try to share my view since I honestly did not understand how she could think that. This effort only led to harassement and threatening via text in a very ugly personal way and did not stop until May 5! Even though the last time I spoke with her was via text April 23rd asking her to stop contacting me for the umpteenth time because of how ugly she was choosing to be.
That apparently was not enough because the bullying continues. A smear campaign and character assasination that included being accused of selling stollen items to her even though I have original sale paper work for it still, causing people I have not even met to think I was in support of people getting hacked or against other people(I am not clear on exactly how that was misconstrued, but do know I got angry emails from people who had been convinced) And there was so much churned up about the guy I was dating that we broke up.
Still this is not enough, now she is throwing my name around accusing me of having outed her. Not only would I NEVER do this, but if I ever had even the slightest inclination it would have begun with an individual that left fingerprint bruises on my neck and arm after smashing my head into a wall and door. I did not out anyone even then! If I didn't do it with him this petty bs wouldn't have been near enough reason. But yet MY name is on her lips AGAIN. WTF!
Which brings me to the present posting, now someone has outed me to "get me back" for this plot line she was so convincing about.
So congradufuckalations Dannie! I effing white flag! For what I have no clue since I walked away from all things Dannie April 23rd and have been living my life. This drama is bullshit! The fact that I came to be such a target after having been such close friends at one point is just such a sad and thoroughly disappointing culmination of events.
I never came here to play someone's twisted game of "If momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy" This is not what the hobby is supposed to be about At All. So I'm out... I am so done. You win.. Good job!
Take care and good luck to the rest.