*Reviews*~Sharing my thoughts & a request?

Hey fellas & ladies:0)~ Happy 4th of July

Would like to share my thoughts and have a request to you Gents of Eccie As far as writing reviews goes~ I so greatly appreciate all of you guys who have taken the time to thoughtfully write me a review Very nice and fun and great for Biz But the one problem I have with it is~ The board does not move fast enough~ People do not post fast enough therefore the 1st page stays as first page for quit some time leaving the same names of the same girl getting reviewed. The funny thing is for the weeks I did not have one review written, and was waiting for a couple Hobbyists to write one up for me BUT then all of a sudden BAMB ~ There are 2 then 3 then 4- and like I dont even know how many are up right now of me, But in my personal opinion there are too many (maybe 5) of me on the first page!~! Hopefully this is not too much to ask of you fine gents to PLEASE please try to hold off on writing your review until the page has moved on a bit ~ Even maybe run it by me to see If I am even ready to have a new review yet>Because maybe I might not even be playing for a week or even two wks and all of a sudden my phone is ringing because of all these great reviews..(lol) Would that be okay with you gentlemen...or am I asking too much of you))? ?
Anyway I hope you understand and Again I thank you gents kindly for taking time to wrote these reviews
Tha Jamie~
  • loboy
  • 07-04-2013, 06:33 AM
That's asking too much
  • loboy
  • 07-04-2013, 07:37 AM
Oops sorry forgot to answer it, but that seems ok
Miss Godiva's Avatar
I agree Jamie! Yet at the same time I'm still waiting on reviews to show up on my showcase so I can not be all over the board as well and I agree I had a couple great gents call while I was on family time due to my reviews (Thank you Gents!!!) Yet it is... Awkward! Smooches!!!
)) haaa Thanks guys~~ AND LADIES

jeez, we are so excited to post up what a good time we had with you - and you want us to wait?? ok, I will try my best to accommodate your request.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
You (TheeJamie) don't seem to realize that guys aren't posting reviews for your benefit, necessarily. Guys get Premium Access credit for posting reviews, and a hobbyist who either doesn't have PA and wants it now, or who is looking at his PA credit expiring in a day or three may not be willing to wait to post his review when it's convenient to you.

Bottom line: you're asking way too much by demanding that guys post reviews of you when you feel like having a review posted.

I can afford to say this, since I rarely get to Springfield, and besides I'm pretty much retired from the hobby anyway, so the likelihood that I'll want to see you anyway is pretty much zero (and if it weren't, your OP in this thread pretty much landed you on my "don't see" list). My first reaction to your original posting was basically, "What a selfish bitch! Stop being so full of yourself, and just be grateful guys enjoy your company enough to want to post positive reviews of your sessions. A lot of your sisters aren't so lucky."

Think about it.


bcg (though he'd seen everything, and then something else pops up...)
You (TheeJamie) don't seem to realize that guys aren't posting reviews for your benefit, necessarily. Guys get Premium Access credit for posting reviews, and a hobbyist who either doesn't have PA and wants it now, or who is looking at his PA credit expiring in a day or three may not be willing to wait to post his review when it's convenient to you.

Bottom line: you're asking way too much by demanding that guys post reviews of you when you feel like having a review posted.

I can afford to say this, since I rarely get to Springfield, and besides I'm pretty much retired from the hobby anyway, so the likelihood that I'll want to see you anyway is pretty much zero (and if it weren't, your OP in this thread pretty much landed you on my "don't see" list). My first reaction to your original posting was basically, "What a selfish bitch! Stop being so full of yourself, and just be grateful guys enjoy your company enough to want to post positive reviews of your sessions. A lot of your sisters aren't so lucky."

Think about it.


bcg (though he'd seen everything, and then something else pops up...) Originally Posted by bluffcityguy

Oh ...WELL ,yes they have !
Thank you kindly for your personal opinion!
Reviews have helped many of us gals out!!)))

On the contrary ~ I have never been the tye of woman who was so "full of herself" thank you~I give 100 % on a date and IM PRETTY SURE that is why I get those positive reviews...-ALSO SEVERAL TIMES I DID THANK THE CLIENTS IN MY OP FOR THESE NICE REVIEWS~ SO PLEASE take care of your-self now xox

WOW~What a nasty attitude~ Probably a nasty person!! That is very sad for you!~ Well I never demanded a thing , simply asked I'm a very thoughtful person who is also respectful~ This is why I only asked in such a nice way that I did !~ You sound like you need some ADjusting !~ But YOU are retired!

Have a nice day now! bye!!
jeez, we are so excited to post up what a good time we had with you - and you want us to wait?? ok, I will try my best to accommodate your request. Originally Posted by cycleguy

SOME of you guys just dont even get what Im saying here- There are so many ladies here that deserve reviews too- and for them to bombarded by the same lady getting reviews, that sucks- The board does nto move fast enough !
I think its a really nice thing ~ But OF COURSE SOME of the hater's feel the need to turn it around on me as if I'm saying /asking something soooo bad ~In which I am not!
Please ALL of ya have a wonderful weekend REALLY!
Vyvian's Avatar
Hi, Sexy Jamie!

(opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one)

...Hope everyone has an awesome wkend!!!
You (TheeJamie) don't seem to realize that guys aren't posting reviews for your benefit, necessarily. Guys get Premium Access credit for posting reviews, and a hobbyist who either doesn't have PA and wants it now, or who is looking at his PA credit expiring in a day or three may not be willing to wait to post his review when it's convenient to you.

Bottom line: you're asking way too much by demanding that guys post reviews of you when you feel like having a review posted.

I can afford to say this, since I rarely get to Springfield, and besides I'm pretty much retired from the hobby anyway, so the likelihood that I'll want to see you anyway is pretty much zero (and if it weren't, your OP in this thread pretty much landed you on my "don't see" list). My first reaction to your original posting was basically, "What a selfish bitch! Stop being so full of yourself, and just be grateful guys enjoy your company enough to want to post positive reviews of your sessions. A lot of your sisters aren't so lucky."

Think about it.


bcg (though he'd seen everything, and then something else pops up...) Originally Posted by bluffcityguy

I can afford to say this, since you rarely get to Springfield, and besides I'm pretty much not threatened by you regardless, so the likelihood that I'll have to see you anyway is pretty much zero (and if it weren't, your OP in this thread pretty much landed you on my "roll eyes" list). My first reaction to your original posting was basically, "What a selfish bitch-ass troll! Stop being so full of yourself, and just be grateful ladies enjoy your company (allegedly) enough to have allowed you to post reviews of your sessions.

Think about it.

Sound any better when it's said back to you?
SOME of you guys just dont even get what Im saying here- There are so many ladies here that deserve reviews too- and for them to bombarded by the same lady getting reviews, that sucks- The board does nto move fast enough !
I think its a really nice thing ~ But OF COURSE SOME of the hater's feel the need to turn it around on me as if I'm saying /asking something soooo bad ~In which I am not!
Please ALL of ya have a wonderful weekend REALLY!
Goodnight!! Originally Posted by TheeJamie
I do get what you are saying and why babe and will try my best to comply with your request!
algrace's Avatar
I agree it looked like you were the talk of the town so to speak. There are travelers that would ask the opposite, I am sure. Review those providers while she's still in town and taking appointments by all means, so some of the more reserved hobbyists will take less a chance and not also have to wait until she is back next time.
There are so few good providers that its kinda hard to keep the good ones off the first page, and having multiples. I remember vyvian used to constantly own 25-33% of the first page......she's great. You've (Jamie) proven to be quality and as long as you are working you will be loaded on page 1 as well. Ms. G, although I haven't seen her has had a lot of "page hogging" moments as well! Fact of the matter is good providers that appeal to the masses are few and far between. I enjoy the visitors Springfield gets, but never write reviews for them for the reasons you mention, by the time I write they are gone.

As a business person myself who relies on my phone ringing to make a living, I will say its better to have too many calls than none at all. But I do sympathize with your sentiment to have more evenly spaced reviews.
Thanks so much for sharing your opinions - I'm so glad to read that people do understand and I appreciate the very sweet compliments as well --->