I was taken off Novolog insulin some time ago. I have five unopened bottle of the stuff in my refrigerator. I have asked the authorities about donating or giving them to someone but they (the VA) says to just throw them away. They expire at the end of July. Anyone interested? Send me an IM.
I thought you were going to say:
Time is short and the blue pill has been taken. Anyone interested?
Unfortunately close only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades, and nukes. And at that, horseshoes may need removed from which close counts. MW oh the parallels between bait and grenades. A new meaning to opening a can of worms. I like time spent on a boat.
Call the Cray Diabetes Center at KU Med, I'm not at home so don't have the number with me.
Just call them and they will lead you in the right direction, I know there is a clinic in town that takes donations like that.
So besides the sniping and complaining about other posters and trolls and rules breaking, the Coed Discussions forum is for offering to give/sell/trade almost-expired medication?
Maybe I should have said looking for young, diabetic coed looking to trade.
Mabye that would have gotten some respect from most of this crowd. I'll check with the KU unit Leilani, thanks for the tip.
As for one comment; it is perfectly good insulin. It will expire at the end of the month but five people would use up the five bottles before then and they go for about $100 a bottle. I don't like the idea of tossing $500 away.
I seriously doubt you'll find any medical person or place that will take them. Too much liability. You would do better to give them to somebody who needs them, and even then you may find it difficult.