How long do you wait?

AllThisMeat's Avatar
So, you've set up an appointment with a provider you get to her incall and you call or shoot her a text and she doesn't respond--

or, you set up an appointment with a provider and you're waiting for her to come to you and the scheduled time has come and gone--

How long do you wait before saying "this isn't happening" and either go with your plan B or simply try to set something up with someone else?

Depending on the situation I've waiting for about 30 - 45 minutes at most for someone... typically, if I've not heard from you in about 15-20 minutes, I'm ready to move on. It is different if someone is communicating with me about a particular difficulty finding my place once they get close to here (my place really isn't hard to find)... but, sometimes things don't work out.

I will wait for a client that isn't responding for up to 15 mins.
If they are responding and letting me know what is going on I am more patient.

If they make a habit of being late I will no longer accept appointments from them.
I wouldnt expect you to wait anymore than 20 min because that's about as long as I would wait
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Like Timbaland said '15 after da hour'

bartipero's Avatar
It depends on if she is a professor, associate professor or just a graduate assistant.