Bad Movies That Were Popular.

bojulay's Avatar
What are your picks for some bad movies that were very popular?

I have to go with Robo Cop, the look of robo was pretty cool
but the script was like some really bad made for TV movie,
and they made three of the damn things.

One bonus, Red from that 70s show was the villain.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Scarface, with Al Pacino
JCM800's Avatar
Troll 2 is the worst of all time. it's has such a huge cult following that there's T2 conventions, plus they made a documentary film about how bad it is.

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 07-15-2013, 06:00 PM
What are your picks for some bad movies that were very popular?

I have to go with Robo Cop, the look of robo was pretty cool
but the script was like some really bad made for TV movie,
and they made three of the damn things. Originally Posted by bojulay
Actually, the first two were not bad. The last one was awful.

One bonus, Red from that 70s show was the villain. Originally Posted by bojulay
That would be Kurtwood Smith. A very good actor.
speeedracer's Avatar
any/all of the fast and furious movies. they were all abysmal.
pyramider's Avatar
Most porn movies from the 80s.
Howard the duck .... why on earth did anybody in their right mind pay to see this movie.

Even worse why is it now avail on blue ray.
Willen's Avatar

So much talent, such a s*****y product
Chica Chaser's Avatar

With a very early movie appearance

R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 07-16-2013, 07:31 AM
Randall Creed's Avatar
Killer Klowns was bad a weird kind of likable way.

My vote is Rocky Horror Picture Show.

jbravo_123's Avatar
What are your picks for some bad movies that were very popular?

I have to go with Robo Cop, the look of robo was pretty cool
but the script was like some really bad made for TV movie,
and they made three of the damn things.

One bonus, Red from that 70s show was the villain. Originally Posted by bojulay
I loved Robocop! If you look at it as a satire on the state of how desensitized our society has become to extreme levels of violence, there's more meaning to the movie.

Here's my toss of the hat into the ring:

God, I loved that movie.
yardbird74's Avatar
The English won Best Picture and everybody was talking about it....

Biggest snoozer I've ever seen....
Monica13's Avatar
Pirates of the Carribean
Randall Creed's Avatar
I went to sleep on Inception.

That movie did absolutely nothing for me, but everybody loves it...somehow.