Early retirement

Hey everyone!

Just wanted to give everyone a heads up. I'm retiring in the end of August.

Basically, I met someone recently and I let them know what I do for work. He still wants to be down with me but asked that I consider a real job again. So that's where I'm at. Thanks for being an awesome community.

Stay safe yall!

Doglegg's Avatar
Good on ya for finding someone accepting.

Wish you the best,

Funguy38's Avatar
I am happy for you but I am crying in the inside ;(
Congratulations Tracy he sounds like a keeper. And it's wonderful that you can be honest with him that's a great way to build trust. I wish the best for both you. Xoxoxo Nova
congrats, hope the best for you.
Thanks guys! Completely unexpected and honesty is always best. Worst case scenario he would have left. But I'm glad he didn't.
Best of luck to y'all......remember, be smart and NEVER let a man mess with your income......only you know your goals and the hobby is a great way to achieve them......I'm not much of a romantic (well, ever since my lil' heart was broken by a guy years ago) but love is a powerful thing and you gotta follow your gut......to the future

Awww, and yes, HONESTY is always best
That's great to hear Tracey! He's a lucky man.
Piracanto's Avatar
While we're sorry you're leaving the hobby, I do agree he sounds like a keeper. Not everybody can handle the truth, and those who can live definitely happier.

Enjoy the new life, I hope I can meet you before!

Just wanted to give everyone a heads up. I'm retiring in the end of August.

Basically, I met someone recently and I let them know what I do for work. He still wants to be down with me but asked that I consider a real job again.
I have to say, it is quite impressive that he is willing to stand by while you hobby for another 45 days! Most of the men I know would be in agony over such an ordeal. Do I sense a possible cuckold fetish? Hehe.

Best of luck to you Tracy. Hopefully I'll get to see you again before you go.
All the best with a 9 to 5 job I am sure you can do it. Shame no play date in September take care Tracy
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Tracy I wish you all the best. Wee
Piracanto's Avatar
Do I sense a possible cuckold fetish? Hehe.
Originally Posted by chivalrous
Let us know if that turns out to be correct

sms918's Avatar
I hope everything works out, you deserve it. good luck and you will be missed
Good for yoou!!