Google numbers

Samcro84's Avatar
My hobby phone craped out and it was a monthly pay so I can keep the number.

So been thinking about the Google Number that will go to your regular phone. Does that work as good as the separate phone I have always believed in? Do you get the same protection?

May have put in wrong section please move if I did.
mikedmato's Avatar
have you looked into burner phone apps... Use your main phone but have a different number, you can program it to ring or set to silent. the one I have is 4.99 for a month and like 60 minutes of talk or text
LuvsDaty's Avatar
Google Voice works great for text and calls for me. I mainly use text but have done some calls with it as well. Be sure to watch the settings and set everything the way you want it be though.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 07-18-2013, 05:36 PM
A Sandbox topic.

Moved to the proper forum.
guy fawkes's Avatar
+1- To Add--It works as a separate number. You will have to make sure that you download Google Talk (Now Hangouts). When you dial it will give you the option to use your google number or phone number.

Google Voice works great for text and calls for me. I mainly use text but have done some calls with it as well. Be sure to watch the settings and set everything the way you want it be though.
Piracanto's Avatar
You may want to try the Hushed App as well. Made to generate disposable numbers which in this hobby is pretty useful.

Not very cheap, but worth the few bucks they charge in my opinion.

Samcro84's Avatar
Guys am I worried about the LE being able to get my info from these numbers or not wanting the SO to see who I am calling?
LuvsDaty's Avatar
Not sure if LE can follow it but with tech now I figure they could. I bury my google voice app in a folder on my iPhone. I also clear my log and use a contact list that is password protected. But I password protect my phone and think everyone should anyway.
GV is great! LE - they can get into anything. first it was the patriot act, now its cispa. boooo!!
as far as the SO- ive never noticed any of my GV calls show up on my phone log. I "think" its bc it uses the internet to make the call. Whenever my friends phone would get turned off (and the only function they had were text & internet use)..they would use GV to make calls. (totally 3rd party info as its never happened to me lol )

give it a try!! I love it!!
guy fawkes's Avatar

CISPA stands for Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA).
What does it do? CISPA would allow for voluntary information sharing between private companies and the government in the event of a cyber attack. If the government detects a cyber attack that might take down Facebook or Google, for example, they could notify those companies. At the same time, Facebook or Google could inform the feds if they notice unusual activity on their networks that might suggest a cyber attack.
What is the difference between CISPA and SOPA

SOPA and PIPA targeted websites that trafficked in counterfeit goods, from fake purses to software. The bills would have allowed for copyright owners to file a complaint against offending websites and have them pulled from the Web. SOPA/PIPA were aimed at "rogue" overseas sites, but it prompted concern that legitimate websites here in the U.S. would be taken offline.

As far as cellphones
Precious_b's Avatar
It it's digital, they got it.
elguapito's Avatar
Not sure if LE can follow it but with tech now I figure they could. I bury my google voice app in a folder on my iPhone. I also clear my log and use a contact list that is password protected. But I password protect my phone and think everyone should anyway. Originally Posted by LuvsDaty
Do the texts always get forwarded to your SMS app, or am I doing it wrong? Curious about what settings are helpful for being sneaky.
Harro69's Avatar
This is why you stick to known providers and sugarbabes. All your doing is a nice date with a friend, nothing they can do. The data is too much for them to handle unless they are drilling down on someone it just got into a vault as useless mesh of "do do". I hope they enjoy cyber sex and hot babes when they tap my comm.
LuvsDaty's Avatar
You can configure it to not forward text to your regular phone in the settings.
Precious_b's Avatar
Got a question.

Sprint already gives you a Google Voice # with your activated android.

Is it possible to use other Google Talk # on the same phone?