I love my belly. Do you love yours?

Yesterday, I was at Shades of Love looking for lingerie. At first, I was in a horrible mood because I was confined to ONE rack of clothing to choose from. I realize that “fat” women are rarely seen as beautiful, but this seemed borderline prejudicial. I wasn’t exactly happy with the selection, but I took a few outfits, and stomped off to the dressing room anyway.

In the dressing room, there was a charcoal sketch of a woman that brought tears to my eyes. Like me, she was not thin. But she was sexy. I could not stop staring at her. I then began to try on clothing, and surprisingly, it looked good. The belly and thighs goddess seemed to rub off on me.

For so long, I have had this self-loathing attributed to my figure. Many times men will comment on my belly in their reviews in a hurtful manner. Or, maybe in a passing comment, they will suggest that I need to exercise more. I almost always agree with people when they negatively comment about my body.

I had gone to see a lady about some professional photographs. She told me, “We’ll just hide your belly behind a chair, or under the sheets. I’ll find a way to make you look pretty.” I ate yogurt and carrots for three days after that.

But then, yesterday happened: I stood in front of the mirror and liked what I saw. I said, “Hey, this isn’t too bad.”

I started to wonder how many other men and women have “embraced their bellies”?

Sure, diet and exercise have become more important in my life, but why shouldn’t I love my body right now? I see quite a few very handsome gentlemen with bellies of their own. I wonder if they stand in front of the mirror and hate themselves, or has the “thighs and belly goddess” smiled down on them too? Ladies, when was the last time you were satisfied with what you saw in the mirror?

Do you love your tummy (no matter how small or big)? Have you told yourself today how gorgeous or handsome you are?

If not, I am going to say it for you, “You are beautiful.”
Courageous post and I admire you for having the guts to put yourself out there.
sanantonioman37's Avatar
I always thought you looked great hun and lets not forget your attitude that just has sex appeal written all over it or that mischievous smile of yours.
sanantonioman37's Avatar
And yes I love my belly especially when I'm at Rudy's.
Have you been to a museum lately? Take a look at the nudes - they all have bellies.....bellies are a sign of fertility......look at some of the goddess statues.....they all have bellies.......embrace Botero......I love his women!!
Alamojo's Avatar
Confidence is sexy!
oldtiger's Avatar
I'll need to see more pics and/or in person to render an opinion...

Seriously, love who you are, not who others think you ought to be.
69bobby69's Avatar
OK, I am an observer of people - especially women. I like women. They come in all shapes and sizes each one unique in their own right. It is another fact that all women, no matter how gorgeous, have low self-esteem. Trust me when I say I have seen some beautiful women who have self doubts. So it is a fact of life.

It is no secret that I like Brittany's body! I think she is beautiful both inside and out. And, I think that she will look good in anything. I am so glad to see her post, because it is uplifting to everyone, including men, who have something about their physical attributes that they just don't like. No one person has the right to cast stones at anyone else because the glass house they live in might just break.

The "embrace your beauty" reference is spot on! I think it should be adopted by everyone. For years I have wished for this or that change in my own body. Over the last few years I have now accepted who I am. Yes, I probably could cut my calories just a bit, but eating is enjoyable. And if that is important to me I'll do it. But we are often our worst critic and life is too short to have negative self image thoughts because they translate into who we are on the outside. So, embrace you as you and be proud.
Sa_artman's Avatar
Different strokes for different folks. I look at it this way, for everyone out there, someone will at some point find an attraction to them. You should put it out there so that those who do find it highly desirable will be the ones calling you. While it may garner more calls, trying to put on a front will only end up with 'tummy' reviews when the hobbyist is surprised the girl they meet isn't the photo shopped one they saw.

I'm not going to lie and say I'm at the onset attracted to larger women, but I have met a few who I found extremely sexy because they were attentive and confident and I sure as hell had a good time. With that being said, some women wear large well. I think there's a big difference between bbw and slovenly and obese, and even then some guys would probably be attracted to the latter. I've seen two providers in the last year who were not supermodels and one I would definitely see again and she was sporting a tummy, the other I found completely unattractive. The second one didn't seem to give a shit she was out of shape and try and look attractive. We're still men and whether a women is large or not, I still like the packaging to look pretty. Point being, I didn't care the first one had the tummy, she packaged well and the unwrapping was worth it.

Women spend a whole lifetime looking in mirrors finding flaws that most people wouldn't even notice or care to. You can't take opinions of hobbyist to base your self esteem off of though, you'll come out short. We're an image based and subjective preference bunch with views that have a financial stake driving them.
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 07-30-2010, 03:20 PM
People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine
when the sun is out but when the darkness sets in, their true
beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Love every part of you Brit....
Love Your Zoo's Avatar
I love your belly too!!!!! I don't think you are fat, nice curves.

I've embraced my belly. It isn't going to change.
Brittany...you're a beautiful woman...don't EVER let anyone make you feel any different! Penny's correct...throughout history, men adored and worshipped voluptuous women...and still do.

It's only the mean-spirited men who would post crass comments like that in a review. Thank goodness for the true gentlemen who are kind, patient and considerate.


By the way, I thought pubic hair removal was a phenomenon of the 20th century. Although the ladies depicted are robust, Renoir omitted the pubic hair. Why?
Mature Companion's Avatar
You & I had this talk last week when I was enjoying every inch of your wonderful body & that includes your belly. You are beautiful and certainly NOT fat!! You have amazing curves!

There's many types of female bodies for every man. Love the skin your in. Embrace your beauty!!
What you may not like about yourself. Some man will & does!

The offer still stands. I'll gladly take your photos & you won't have to hide behind anything.

Repeat your last statement every time you look in the mirror or do any self loathing. “You are beautiful.”

Yesterday, I was at Shades of Love looking for lingerie. At first, I was in a horrible mood because I was confined to ONE rack of clothing to choose from. I realize that “fat” women are rarely seen as beautiful, but this seemed borderline prejudicial. I wasn’t exactly happy with the selection, but I took a few outfits, and stomped off to the dressing room anyway.

In the dressing room, there was a charcoal sketch of a woman that brought tears to my eyes. Like me, she was not thin. But she was sexy. I could not stop staring at her. I then began to try on clothing, and surprisingly, it looked good. The belly and thighs goddess seemed to rub off on me.

For so long, I have had this self-loathing attributed to my figure. Many times men will comment on my belly in their reviews in a hurtful manner. Or, maybe in a passing comment, they will suggest that I need to exercise more. I almost always agree with people when they negatively comment about my body.

I had gone to see a lady about some professional photographs. She told me, “We’ll just hide your belly behind a chair, or under the sheets. I’ll find a way to make you look pretty.” I ate yogurt and carrots for three days after that.

But then, yesterday happened: I stood in front of the mirror and liked what I saw. I said, “Hey, this isn’t too bad.”

I started to wonder how many other men and women have “embraced their bellies”?

Sure, diet and exercise have become more important in my life, but why shouldn’t I love my body right now? I see quite a few very handsome gentlemen with bellies of their own. I wonder if they stand in front of the mirror and hate themselves, or has the “thighs and belly goddess” smiled down on them too? Ladies, when was the last time you were satisfied with what you saw in the mirror?

Do you love your tummy (no matter how small or big)? Have you told yourself today how gorgeous or handsome you are?

If not, I am going to say it for you, “You are beautiful.” Originally Posted by brittanylennox