A little high culture for you lowlife here...

bluffcityguy's Avatar

I don't think I'll ever listen to Beethoven's Fifth quite the same way for the rest of my life...

Translation (cleaned up) via Google Translate (because no, I don't read Italian):
Woman plays Beethoven with her buttocks
Performance artist Michelle L'Amour, who calls herself the naked woman in the world, starred a performance of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. What Michelle does is move her buttocks to the rhythm of the symphony;
very interesting.
If anyone here reads Italian fluently, feel free to improve on that.


I have an undeveloped knowledge of Italian. You have the text translated pretty well. The comments are very Italian as they are all about what a wonderful butt she has.

You always have such fun and interesting tidbits to share!

And I love yours Abbey. Oh my bad Abbey, I thought you said Tits.
Haha, Balls! You are so funny!
bluffcityguy's Avatar

You always have such fun and interesting tidbits to share! Originally Posted by Abbey_Jones
I am an inexhaustible font of pseudointellectual weirdness.


I am an inexhaustible font of pseudointellectual weirdness.


bcg Originally Posted by bluffcityguy
I don't think there's a pseudo thing about you.

MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Gotdamn.....bravo I say....BRAVO! I don't even think I have control of my plentiful cheeks like that (lol)!
Would you be impressed if I told you that I can do that with my tits? LOL
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Would you be impressed if I told you that I can do that with my tits? LOL Originally Posted by Gfe Juliette
Only if you post a video proving it.

(Sadly, it'll be months or years before I can afford to come see it in person--maybe never.)


MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Would you be impressed if I told you that I can do that with my tits? LOL Originally Posted by Gfe Juliette
:O I wanna see so badly (lol).