
Okay, so I get that providers can't comment on their own reviews, but this question goes out to the mods and the rest..... Can providers make reviews on other providers??? Just asking.... ok, just rubbing it in.... Keri's coming to give me an incall.... So, I guess the real question is, how many of you are jealous and how many of you are fanaticizing? lol.... Thinking we neither of us will be available later.... giggles....

Skny is on the next hit list... watch out sexiness.... Hurricane Taylor is coming for you.... giggles!!!!

"And that's all I gotta say about that..."
Ill be there soon Tay... And boys, think dirty thoughts.. Wink wink!! Lol
Ill be there soon Tay... And boys, think dirty thoughts.. Wink wink!! Lol Originally Posted by keri2114

Oh baby..... come to mama...... come to mama... Guys.. It ain't gonna be nothing nice.... btw, Keri's breaking my provider cherry... never met anyone else before... Weeeeeeeee..... So, can I review, can I review???? hahahaha
greenninja's Avatar
Please invite me I'll write a review!
Please invite me I'll write a review! Originally Posted by greenninja

roflmao.... you know where I live... giggles... no, you can't come over.. We get eachother first before you get to get us together... It will make it sooooooo much better that way... Schwing!!!! You know, you're the one that started this crap with the doubles and me... I guess the board can officially thank you......

greenninja's Avatar
Write the review and pm it to me.
TiCobra's Avatar
Take 'em lol
Wiley64's Avatar
You are more than welcome to write a review. Unfortunately, the review will not be approved for PA credit. Otherwise, you would have access to the ML and ROS.
I'm sure the dawg pound would appreciate the details though.
You are more than welcome to write a review. Unfortunately, the review will not be approved for PA credit. Otherwise, you would have access to the ML and ROS.
I'm sure the dawg pound would appreciate the details though. Originally Posted by Wiley64
Oh shit..............keri just popped my cherry..... I know me, and now know the GFE that Keri ...... what's the word?? Perfection?? I have a new BFF, so you guys better eat your Wheaties.... AND book accordingly..... would suck to not get an appt..BOOKING FASTER THAN CHRIS OWENS CAN ROPE IN A HAS BEEN CROWD!!!!
Having seen both of the ladies involved seperatly . I know that there is no way that I could keep up with both of them together. It does bring a tingle to the nether region just thinking about it
kindafun's Avatar
In this situation who pays whom?

Please tell me you videoed the session and will post it for our pleasure!
In this situation who pays whom?

Please tell me you videoed the session and will post it for our pleasure! Originally Posted by kindafun
lol... good one... Actually I bought food, she brought wine... We made dessert together!!!! I think the food may have been a few $$ more expensive, but I think that covered her outcall fee..... hahahaha

We should have videoed it..... I wasn't thinking correctly at the time.... I've heard Keri has a way of doing that to people..... Man, that would have made bank....

You know, the usual..... soft, hot kissing... slowly running my fingers all the way down her sexy little body, head to toe.... more kissing... and then came the........

Sorry, you'll have to schedule a doubles session to get the ROS.... Bawwwhahaha

"And that's all I gotta say about that...."
Forrest Gump
Dorian Gray's Avatar
To answer on a serious note, yes... yes they can.

BTW, who is Chris Owens? Does he owe someone money?
To answer on a serious note, yes... yes they can.

BTW, who is Chris Owens? Does he owe someone money? Originally Posted by Dorian Gray

Apparently, you aren't from New Orleans... giggles...Chris Owens is an old retired stripper that looks GREAT for her age, but she's just that.... old and didn't know when to stop performing.... She drummed up business for a long, long time by her name alone... I was being very childish, had a few bottles of wine last night, (normally do not), and sick of someone around here, doing very unprofessional things, and attacking others behind the scenes because of pure jealousy....Someone posted doubles rates under a thread addy'ing doubles, and after several requests, refused to edit her postings.... I've let it go though... If someone wants to act "Chris Owens", that's fine with me... So, there's my explanation of Chris Owens....

And on the serious note... I will be posting a review of Keri very soon.... Now you guys know how we feel waiting to see our reviews you say you are posting.... baaawwwhahaha

LA Man's Avatar
The independant review page cums up slowly, must be the rest of the dawgs trying to be the first to read the review....