Noah's Ark

bojulay's Avatar
How many people know about the large ship remains
that were found in the mountains of ararat, fitting the
exact dimensions of Noah's Ark as described in the Bible.

Just as interesting as well, the largest ship anchor stones
ever discovered were also found in the area.

they also found remains from bones of soldiers, weaponry, armor, chariots, and horse bones from one end of the red sea to the other in a line. the only reasonable explanation of this is the story in the bible of Moses parting the Red Sea and crossing it in time to get away from the attacking army.

no other explanation makes sense as to how an army is at the bottom of the sea from one end of it to the other, they must have all been in position while the sea closed back up on them as the story in the bible goes

pyramider's Avatar
Yet, no mention of the all the ancient taint.
bojulay's Avatar
Yet, no mention of the all the ancient taint. Originally Posted by pyramider
That may have been the real reason for the flood and why they didn't mention it.
bojulay's Avatar
I don't believe there was a world wide flood. The idea comes
from the bad translation of the hebrew word Erets translated
Earth in the english, when 1476 other times in the Bible it is
properly translated Land, speaking about a specific area
not the whole Earth.

With the proper translation understood, Noah took animals
onto the Ark that would be for his own use, and to repopulate
the area that was affected by the flood. The Land of Noah not
the Earth of Noah.

The bad translation has lead people that believe in creation
to try and defend some erroneous world wide flood event.
When properly understood the Bible doesn't even make
such a claim.

And gee golly the flood story actually makes sense when properly

A lot of the Bible was translated by the Futurist Frame of Reference.
They always look at everything as World Wide.

Sadly in the Christian community, just like with many things in the
Scientific Community, many people know this but don't want to
go against the Status Quo. Afraid of losing their jobs, reputations, etc.

Just like the silly Rapture story that is taught.

Western Futurist Theological Frame of Reference.
JCM800's Avatar
there's a Noah's Ark in Wisconsin .....could be related
I chickened out of a date because the guy kept saying how he could not wait for the rapture to come. He sounded like the type that might commit suicide and take others with him.

Don't get me wrong. I do attend church services and I do read the bible. A woman told me, "God did not create the spirit of fear (this was because of my caution) and I told her, "nope but he did give me a lot of common sense".

If you take into consideration when the bible was written and the circumstances, it can be an enjoyable piece of history.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
bojulay, for every video you can post to support your claims i can post more that prove you wrong. this will be painful old sport for you to watch but i think you need to. the first one is really painful, even you come across much better than this creationtard does. he gets hammered.

This next one is even more scientific, it talks about DNA and the genetic similarities of humans and apes. play real close attention to the speaker's comments at the end about his own religious views.

And finally none other than Carl Sagan destroying a creationist in a debate on a radio call in show.

bojulay's Avatar
I hear yu', I mean out of all the many ships fitting the same size and
dimensions as Noahs Ark that are found in the Mountains Of Ararat,
exactly where the Bible said it would be.

Why did they pick that one?
You might want to read about the de-bunking of the Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat hoax:

You will believe absolutely anything if it supports your religious beliefs, won't you?
bojulay's Avatar
You might want to read about the de-bunking of the Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat hoax:

You will believe absolutely anything if it supports your religious beliefs, won't you? Originally Posted by ExNYer
Yeah that was bogus. The one I post hasn't been debunked by anyone,
they all agree, it was a big freaking boat fitting the size and dimensions
of the Ark as described in the Bible. If it had been found to be smaller
or larger, they would have a problem.

They also found the largest ship anchor stones that have ever been
discovered anywhere in the world. Umm, found them in the mountains
near the umm, big freaking boat which was also found umm, in the mountains.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
bojulay since you are so intent on converting all us non-believing sinners, how exactly are you going to be judged as a hooktard yourself? doesn't the bible forbid consorting with prostitutes?

God forbids involvement with prostitutes because He knows such involvement is detrimental to both men and women. "For the lips of an immoral woman drip honey, And her mouth is smoother than oil; But in the end she is bitter as wormwood, Sharp as a two-edged sword. Her feet go down to death, Her steps lay hold of hell" (Proverbs 5:3-5 NKJV).

Read more:

i mean, you do see hookers, don't you? of course you can claim your 8 reviews are fiction, right? that'll fix things with the Almighty and get ya in the Pearly Gates!
oh snap! i get it now, you'll just say ten Hail Mary's after each session and you good to go!
Yeah that was bogus. The one I post hasn't been debunked by anyone,
they all agree, it was a big freaking boat fitting the size and dimensions
of the Ark as described in the Bible. If it had been found to be smaller
or larger, they would have a problem.

They also found the largest ship anchor stones that have ever been
discovered anywhere in the world. Umm, found them in the mountains
near the umm, big freaking boat which was also found umm, in the mountains. Originally Posted by bojulay
No, your bogus video link was also debunked, even before the 2010 hoax.

There has been one Noah's Ark hoax after another.

As even one BIBLICAL scholar noted, in the period after the flood, the only building materials around would have been the wood from the Ark. So the Ark would have been torn to pieces to build shelters, wagons, plows, etc.

Also, if the world was covered in water and the Ark landed near the top of 20,000 foot mountain, what did all of the animals eat afterward?

I mean, all of the vegetation would have been wiped out by being covered by DEEP water for months. So, no grass, no shrubs, no trees. Nothing for the animals to eat.

The Bible doesn't say anything about Noah taking every kind of plant onto the Ark - just animals.

So how did the world get jump-started again?

The Ark was a fable. Face it.
pyramider's Avatar
bojulay since you are so intent on converting all us non-believing sinners, how exactly are you going to be judged as a hooktard yourself? doesn't the bible forbid consorting with prostitutes?

God forbids involvement with prostitutes because He knows such involvement is detrimental to both men and women. "For the lips of an immoral woman drip honey, And her mouth is smoother than oil; But in the end she is bitter as wormwood, Sharp as a two-edged sword. Her feet go down to death, Her steps lay hold of hell" (Proverbs 5:3-5 NKJV).
i mean, you do see hookers, don't you? of course you can claim your 8 reviews are fiction, right? that'll fix things with the Almighty and get ya in the Pearly Gates!
oh snap! i get it now, you'll just say ten Hail Mary's after each session and you good to go! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

If you were to go to the New Testament your references would be different. Some believe that Mary Magdalene was Jesus' wife.
bojulay's Avatar
No, your bogus video link was also debunked, even before the 2010 hoax.

There has been one Noah's Ark hoax after another.

As even one BIBLICAL scholar noted, in the period after the flood, the only building materials around would have been the wood from the Ark. So the Ark would have been torn to pieces to build shelters, wagons, plows, etc.

Also, if the world was covered in water and the Ark landed near the top of 20,000 foot mountain, what did all of the animals eat afterward?

I mean, all of the vegetation would have been wiped out by being covered by DEEP water for months. So, no grass, no shrubs, no trees. Nothing for the animals to eat.

The Bible doesn't say anything about Noah taking every kind of plant onto the Ark - just animals.

So how did the world get jump-started again?

The Ark was a fable. Face it. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Detractors and self proclaimed debunkers, as with nearly all finds that have
a claim with biblical origin. Goes with the territory. Any find with biblical
claim always has people trying to discredit it.

Another amazing video showing the many biblical archaeological finds
that have been made.

Zertal published his amazing finds that have been ignored by the secular scientist.
Their Modus Operandi, either try and debunk, or when irrefutable evidence is presented, ignore.