Provided Services

Why don't you have a drop down listing services provided by these beautiful ladies? It would be easier to find the lady that is willing to give those special services rather than going through numerous reviews to see what the escort is willing to provide.
Skipping the whole "drop down list" approach and going directly into mind reading, and eventually mind-control. This way, we will be able to tell each Member exactly who they need to see (and when). Technology though, still in the lab. Stay tuned for updates on this.


Chica Chaser's Avatar
So if we set up a dropdown box of services for each lady, how do you react and how do we handle it when she does not provide that particular service to you, individually?
Ahhh man , are u telling me I wont get a million requests for greek anymore. What shall I do with my days *sigh*.
derek303's Avatar
Think the poster is referring to do it like p411. Most of the providers do it there. I for one agree with the request as I find it helpful.
fun2come's Avatar
Think the poster is referring to do it like p411. Most of the providers do it there. I for one agree with the request as I find it helpful. Originally Posted by derek303
I've been saying that since I came on here and then found p411....

The hours I spend to find out if CIM/MSOG is allowed could be spend so much better watching porn and getting ready ....
Ahhh man , are u telling me I wont get a million requests for greek anymore. What shall I do with my days *sigh*. Originally Posted by NikkiWhite
I'd still ask. You should post more photos of that fine little ass my dear.

Does make the process easier, but if the Sheila can't make the rent......... doesn't the menu expand? I guess you could put greek on the last three days of the month menu. IJS
This Forum "A Question of Legality" is place where laws and legislation, cases that come up in various state and federal courts, peeps ask for legal advice here and other commentary about hobby-related legal topics of interest.

The topic of this thread, however, relates to proposed-functionality which might belong here

Although your suggestion may have some merit it would be devilishly difficult to keep updated and accurate, so even if you have an idea that survives YMMV, it does not belong in this forum.


Austin's Leafy Mod